Week of Thanks and Giving
November 21, 2021
As we reflect on the initiatives we completed and the impact we’ve had in 2021, we’re so full of THANKS for so many things. We also have some very motivated donors who have been GIVING throughout the year. Last week, we kicked off a #12DaysofTHANKSandGIVING campaign to share some of the things we are thankful for this year and some of the ways you can help us continue to serve our mission. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s a recap.
Expressing THANKS
There are so many things to be thankful for this year. As we looked back at how the year unfolded, we were most thankful for…
The thousands of volunteers across the country who spent time setting up, breaking down, coordinating, unpacking, and distributing items during our Mobile Food Distributions – no matter what the weather.
Our amazing donors, who were so kind and patient as we navigate programs and processes without our fearless development leader, Jennifer Cernoch. The world lost an incredible woman, and we are so thankful for our donors who have stuck with us.
Our VA Hospital Representatives, who stop at nothing to support veterans in their communities. From patient visits to special events to managing inventory and handing out supplies, they are shining stars in the veteran community.
Our hardworking, passionate, and caring staff. This team really digs in and works together to support troops, veterans, and military families.
Donors like The Girl Scouts, Trail’s End Popcorn, Thrive Causemetics, and Black Rifle Coffee, who donated pallets of goodies to send overseas and hand out at the VA Hospitals we serve.
Our Adopt-A-Family Angels and supporters helping military families this holiday season so they have a little less to worry about. As we approach the big holiday shopping weekend, consider helping another military family with their holiday. Learn more
The thousands of Angel volunteers, who are dedicated to supporting troops, veterans, and military families while also supporting each other. Want to join our incredible team of Angel volunteers? Learn more.
Our #REDFriday supporters, who not only wear red every Friday in solidarity to Remember Everyone Deployed, but who share their selfies with us on the Soldier’s Angels Facebook Page each Friday. We love seeing their faces each week.
The small businesses across the country that held collection drives this year during our many campaigns. From care package supplies, socks, valentines, blankets, Halloween candy, supplies for refugee families, and holiday stockings, they have helped tremendously. If you’re looking for a way to give back as a business, check out our current and upcoming special campaigns here.
The breweries who have supported Hops for Heroes over the years. As we re-launch the Hops for Heroes program after a Covid hiatus, we are thankful for those who have supported us. If you are a brewery interested in brewing for good, please consider joining us for the 2022 brewing of Homefront IPA.
Everyone who uses Amazon Smile to support Soldiers’ Angels. That .5% adds up and those donations from Amazon go a LONG way! All you have to do is go to smile.amazon.com, choose Soldiers’ Angels as your charity, and when you shop, Amazon donates.
Time to start GIVING
We also want to share some stories of donors who have gone above and beyond to give back this year and support our programs.
Lockheed Martin, our longest continuous food distribution sponsor, has supported the entire year of food distribution events in Denver, Colorado since 2017! If your company is looking for a way to give to the veteran community, sponsoring a food distribution in one of our six markets is a fantastic way to show your gratitude. Take a look at this sponsorship packet for full details.
Tito’s Handmade Vodka has been ready to give to Soldiers’ Angels in support of the military and veteran community in every way possible. From donating hand sanitizer throughout the pandemic to sponsoring tables at gala’s to making large financial contributions that support one or more of our many programs, Tito’s has been more than a sponsor, they have become a true partner. This was proven even more in 2021 after the passing or Soldiers’ Angels Vice President of Development, Jennifer Cernoch. Jennifer had worked with Tito’s for many years and her contacts at Tito’s were as heartbroken as we were to hear of her passing. Because of this, in addition to all of the incredible support Tito’s has provided throughout the year, they also made a generous donation of $20,000 to Soldiers’ Angels in honor of Jennifer. Thank you Tito’s for honoring Jennifer in such an amazing way! We know she was smiling from above at your generosity!
This year, Grunt Style took a road trip across the country to highlight five nonprofit organizations, including Soldiers’ Angels, that are providing valuable services to the military and veteran community. Although their Road Trip for Charity was a competition, they took giving to a new level by rewarding each of the five nonprofits with a generous donation in amounts ranging from $12,000 – $20,000! At the end of the competition, with a three way tie for first place, they decided to award all five nonprofits with $20,000! The donation to Soldiers’ Angels supported the recent Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave Veterans Day campaign, a program that pairs corporate volunteers with VA Medical Centers to help support Veterans Day Week activities. If your company is interested in supporting veterans on or around Veterans Day, don’t miss your opportunity to get involved in Home of the Brave for 2022! Learn more here.
Black Rifle Coffee has been a huge supporter of Soldiers’ Angels by donating $630,000 of coffee this year. That’s about 45,000 bags of coffee/45 pallets that we have distributed to the military and veteran community. Coffee may not seem like a huge deal, but when you’re deployed and working your sixth 12-hour shift in a row, a strong cup of coffee can be a real life-saver. If your company provides a product that would benefit the military or veteran community, reach out to learn more about partnership opportunities.
As you can see, we have so much to be thankful for this year. If you’re looking for a way to support service members, military families, and veterans we mentioned several ways to get involved and support Soldiers’ Angels.