Angel Blog

Celebrate Leon Day with Soldiers’ Angels

Have you heard of National Leon Day? It’s celebrated each year on June 25 by crafters across the U.S. as a day to get moving on holiday projects. You see June 25 marks exactly six months away from Christmas day. Why is it called Leon Day? Because Leon is Noel spelled backward!

The holiday season is a hectic one for us as we have stockings to collect for our annual stocking drive, families to get adopted through Adopt-A-Family AND candy to sort and send off from Treats for Troops. We decided, why not rally the troops and get people thinking about holiday preparations now during the summertime when people are generally taking it easy and looking for something to do (or if you’re in a southern state, looking to escape the heat).

Handmade ornaments were a big hit last year so we’re asking once again for our angels and supporters to make ornaments to give out in holiday stockings to veteran patients and deployed service members. Leon Day is the perfect day to do it. We’ve put together a how-to video using an ornament-making kit you can pick up from Michaels or Amazon. Here’s our How-To for making Sweater Ornaments from this Sweater Ornaments kit we found on Amazon.

We hope you’ll join in on the Leon Day fun and help us get ready for the holiday season!