Part 4: Alfred Guerra One Year Later
September 30, 2022
Last summer we were working diligently to renovate the home of Alfred Guerra, a 95-year-old WWII veteran. His old home in San Antonio had fallen into disrepair and was unlivable. His son had started to do renovation work on the house, but unfortunately died suddenly due to cancer. Alfred was convinced to leave his home to stay with his daughter, Maria Guerra, however once settled, he missed his home and the memories it held.
Not knowing who else to turn to to get the home repaired, the Guerra family made a plea on Facebook asking for help to get this war hero back into his home.
The community came together in a big way for him and joined on to support, project manage, and fundraise. Thanks to our partners, donors, and amazing community of supporters, Alfred’s home was completely renovated with new appliances and a few special touches. Alfred loved gardening and had a rose garden full of roses he named Emily after his late wife. Volunteers worked to completely re-do his landscaping, add in an accessible vegetable garden, and spruce up his rose garden. Alfred’s medals and military items were framed and hung and his beloved dog Chester got a new dog house. The transformation was incredible.
It has been one year since the renovation and Alfred is still loving his home. His daughter Maria has moved in to help care for him and shared this with us.
“He’s totally enjoying the new space he has; he especially loves his room and the colors we chose for it. Since he’s moved back in, we put a TV in his room and put his wing-back chair in there between the windows so he can see outside. He loves how the sunlight brightens his room and when he’s in there, he watches TV and enjoys watching his baseball games,” she says.

“His rose garden is doing well, but with the heat these past few months, not many roses have bloomed but all the plants are still going with all the watering (I do most of the yard work now since he’s slowed down a bit).
He’s so much more comfortable now that he’s home in his familiar surroundings and it’s because of all the hard work and time Soldiers’ Angels and volunteers dedicated to getting him back home. We are certainly very appreciative of everything the organization has done for us. I know my dad is very happy and content being home; and whatever the future brings our way, I can honestly say that seeing him as happy as he’s been this past year makes all the difference in the world. Thank you again from the bottom of all our hearts for the love and dedication you gave my World War II Veteran Hero!!” – Maria Guerra
Our volunteers recently sent him some cards to honor the one-year mark of his return home. Maria took some photos of him to share.