
Become a Home of the Brave Sponsoring Partner

Partnerships are critical to the continued growth and success of Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave.

We are looking for companies:

  • Who hire Veterans, Guard/Reservists, and Military spouses;
  • Whose employees believe in volunteering and giving back; honoring Veterans for their service
  • With employees located throughout the United States.

Interested in becoming a Home of the Brave Sponsor? Complete a Sponsor Request form now!

Here is a training presentation with more details about Home Of The Brave.

Partnership Package (# Available)Title Sponsorship (1) $40,000Gold Level (2) $30,000Silver Level (3) $20,000Bronze Level (No Limit) $15,000
Company logo & backlink on the campaign website*
Company logo on t-shirts donated to veterans and worn by volunteers*
Company logo on thank you card given to each veteran*
Company logo on all on site signs and flyers related to the event*
Ability to provide volunteers for any participating VA site
Featured in the Soldiers’ Angels Annual Report at the appropriate giving level
Social media exposure through Soldiers’ Angels
Inclusion in Soldiers’ Angels E-Newsletter
Inclusion in national press release as title sponsor
*Size and placement of company logo varies based on sponsorship level

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”

Elmer Davis

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