Helping Families Over the Holidays
January 25, 2019
Each year over the holidays, we have a program that focuses on helping families— military and veteran— who are struggling to provide gifts and a holiday meal to their children. The program is called Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-A-Family, and it serves hundreds of military/veteran families over the Holidays thanks to the generosity of our Angels, partners, and donors. This year, we were lucky to connect with one of those families, who reached out to us on Facebook to share pictures from Christmas morning.
Meet Heather, Kyle, & Boys
The family was adopted by Lippert Flooring and Tile. They have three boys: Noah (age 5), Parker (age 3), and Caleb (2 months old). This military family had just moved into a new house with a baby on the way, and it was the first Christmas without Kyle.
What branch of the military does Kyle serve in and how long has he served?
“Kyle is in the Army National Guard and has been in for almost 11 years.”
How long has Kyle been deployed?
“He has been deployed since July, and doesn’t get home until the end of May.”
What does it mean to your family to have been adopted through our program?
“It was truly a blessing and I am so thankful. It was amazing to feel all that support from strangers who have now become friends. I can’t thank them enough.”

In addition to our Adopt-A-Family program, the family will also receive support from the Soldiers’ Angels Baby Brigade team, a team that provides virtual baby showers to military families who are expecting. Heather hasn’t been “showered” yet, but rest assured our Baby Brigade will not disappoint – they really know how to pamper military moms! They send everything from must-have items to frequently used supplies, to fun toys and clothes, and beautiful handmade items.
Thanks to the generosity of so many people, Soldiers’ Angels was able to serve 1,007 families over the holidays through the Adopt-A-Family program. Out of that, 675 families were new and had never received Adopt-A-Family support in the past.
“This program has helped us so much and I hope to return the favor someday.” – Heather
We look forward to helping families again next holiday season!