Flags Flown in Their Honor
April 8, 2021
We often share heartwarming thank you messages and sometimes even photos that we get back from Service Members to demonstrate the level of appreciation they have for the letters, cards, baked goods, and care packages sent by our Team Angels. But sometimes that level of appreciation goes well beyond a Facebook message, email, or handwritten note. Sometimes, Service Members are so grateful for the support they receive that they send their angel special flags flown “in their honor.”
We received a flag long ago, and I treasure it so much. It was flown over a post overseas. I still keep in touch with him. His youngest son was just small when I adopted my soldier and now has finished high school!!! Where did the years go?
Angel Jo
These acts of kindness are always celebrated and shared internally in our forum so we thought we’d share some stories and photos from our Angels.

Angel Sarah
“My Service Member’s unit flew the flag on Veterans Day in honor of my late husband who was a Vietnam Veteran. He also sent me a certificate for sending all of the care packages while he was deployed. He told me that all of the cards and letters seemed to come at a time when he really needed them. Needless to say, I was surprised and so honored. Of course, I cried. My late husband would have been so proud.”

Angel Pamela
“I’ve been given two flags. One flag was from a very silent Service Member and flown at his base camp. The other flag was from a Service Member who wrote frequently and was carried along on a mission. Both flags brought me to tears with the unexpected honor. I think of the flags as belonging to ALL of us angels, and I am just the caretaker.”
“The display case on the right was put together by my Service Member and his guys, using whatever scraps of cardboard, wood, and glass they could scrounge.”

Angel Minette
“I received my flag after my silent Service Member returned home. It was flown on a Blackhawk helicopter 7/4/19.”

Angel Christina
Angel Christina, who is part of our Angel Volunteers and has baked over 20,000 baked goods for Service Members, often gets thank you letters and cards. Here’s a flag she received signed by all of the Service Members in one of the units she supported.

Angel Stacey
“I had a mostly silent adoptee. I think I heard from him maybe two or three times while he was deployed if that. Months after he came home, I received this flag in the mail from him. I was surprised and honored that he’d send me one.”

Angel Karen
“Here’s the flag and certificate I was sent by my very first adoptee. He actually carried this flag with him on operations. It now sits proudly in a frame on a shelf in my living room.”

Angel Carol
“This came from one of the Service Members I sent baked goods to last year.” Carol just recently had it all framed.