COVID Safety Measures

We have reevaluated all of our COVID Safety Measures and will be continuing with all the below measures at this time. For the safety of our veterans and the fact that we will be handling food, we feel that it is imperative that we continue with all safety protocols, even though this event is outdoors. Thank you for your understanding and continued cooperation.

Soldiers’ Angels has been fortunate enough to continue providing food distributions to veterans throughout the pandemic. This has been due to all volunteers, staff, and attending veterans following our COVID-19 safety measures.

As the virus continues to ravage our communities, it is imperative that all continue following the below safety measures.

Please review all COVID-19 safety measures below before attending an event as a veteran or volunteer.


  • If you have a compromised immune system, severe underlying health conditions, or you are ill yourself, we encourage you to rethink attending the food distribution event. 
  • Keep your window up at all times. Communication with volunteers will be done through the closed window. The only time you may be asked to open your window is to turn in your completed Food Bank documents, if applicable. In which case, please only open enough to pass the paper through.
  • Wear a mask or have one handy in the event you do need to crack your window as mentioned above.
  • Clear out your trunk before the event so volunteers can load the groceries while maintaining a safe social distance from you and those in your car.
  • Do not get out of your cars and socialize with the other veterans or volunteers while you await your time slot.
  • Our team will be taking extra precautions at the event with the use of masks and hand sanitizer. We have also asked our volunteers not to shake hands or come in close proximity with attending veterans. 
  • Veterans without a car: wear a mask at all times and maintain ample social distance from all volunteers and other veterans.
  • Veterans without a car: wait for instructions after you check-in. A volunteer will either guide you through the line or collect your groceries for you and meet you at a safe spot away from the drive-through line.


  •  If you have a compromised immune system, severe underlying health conditions, or you are ill yourself, please do not come to the event as a volunteer, spectator, or otherwise.
  • If you do show up at the event to volunteer or otherwise and display obvious signs of being ill, you will be asked to leave.
  • If you have been exposed to COVID or are waiting for COVID test results, please do not come to the event.
  • Temperature checks are required upon arrival at the event.
  • Masks are required at all times. Those that do not comply with mask requirements will be asked to leave.
  • As often as possible, maintain ample social distance from other volunteers and attending veterans.
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided. Please use hand sanitizer frequently during the event or feel free to bring your own that you can keep with you at all times.
  • Please refrain from shaking hands or making close contact with any of the attending veterans. The veterans have been asked to stay in their cars and refrain from getting out to congregate with other veterans or volunteers. Veterans have been asked to keep their windows closed and will communicate through a closed window. The only time they will be asked to roll down their window is to turn in their Food Bank forms, if applicable.
  • Please refrain from shaking hands or having close physical contact with any of the other volunteers, staff, etc. that are working the event as well.
  •  This is a special circumstance with special precautions. It is possible that additional precautions will be asked of you on the day of the event. Please take all of this information very seriously so we can all do our part to stop the spread and ensure our veterans have food on their table.