And the Winner Is…
May 23, 2020

If you’ve been following our story over the past several weeks, you probably know that we had a very generous donor who provided a whole pallet of toilet paper for us to share with our supporters. With so many people facing the challenge of finding toilet paper and the many inspiring stories circulating the internet about how people are sharing their toilet paper from quarantine (or doing silly things like building toilet paper obstacle courses for their pets), we thought it would be fun to encourage our supporters to decide if they would “share the care” or keep the entire pallet for themselves… which, with 1,920 rolls of toilet paper included, is basically a lifetime supply!!
We held an online giveaway for people to sign up to enter the drawing for the whole pallet of toilet paper. All you had to so to sign up was to enter your email address. The giveaway registration period officially ended last Friday, May 15th at 11:59 am and a winner was selected at 12:00 pm CST that same day.
Immediately after the winner was drawn, we reached out to contact that person and learn more about their experience and what they wanted to do with all that TP… It took us a few days to make contact and iron out all the details…
And we know that just increased the suspense for those of you anxiously awaiting to hear more…
So, without further ado, we are very excited to officially and publically announce that the winner of the Soldiers’ Angels Great Toilet Paper Giveaway is…
Cathy Blood!!
Once we connected with Cathy, we wanted to get to know her a little bit more and hear if she has faced any challenges finding toilet paper throughout quarantine.
Did you have a hard time finding Toilet Paper? Did you ever run out yourself or have family/friends that did?
“When all this pandemic first started – still did have a supply of TP – with a family of four – it’s the stocking up from the warehouse store. The usual shopping – didn’t go and stockpile. Of course future trips did show empty shelves (and pallets) everywhere – never ran out but down to the last couple of rolls. We have been very fortunate that we never ran out.”
Tell us more about you and how you heard about the giveaway.
“I am a Soldiers’ Angels volunteer and proud of it – part of the LWT [Letter Writing Team] and CPT [Cards Plus Team]. It is amazing reading all that gets accomplished for our military.”
And of course… the 1,920 roll question… What would you like to do with all that toilet paper?
“When I originally entered the contest – never thinking I would actually win (silly me) – it was always my thought to have Soldiers’ Angels donate/distribute it — you have an amazing system of being able to get supplies to active and retired military. I would like to have about 30 rolls (whatever ships best) but would be honored and humbled if Soldiers’ Angels would distribute the rest. I know there is a huge need in the San Antonio area and am confident it will be properly donated.”
Thank you Cathy for your generosity and support!!
After hearing what Cathy would like to do with her winnings, we have been working to determine how to make the most impact of her generosity. First and foremost, we did pack up a whole box of the white stuff to send directly to Cathy and her family. And now, our team is connecting with our contacts in order to donate this toilet paper on behalf of Cathy to where it is needed most by our military and Veterans.
Stay tuned for updates on the story and the difference that Cathy’s generosity will make from her decision to “Share the Care!”