Holiday Help For Military Families
November 17, 2020

The holidays can be a tough time for military families. Active duty deployments, uncertainties around assignments, and financial burdens are just some of the stressors they face. Our Adopt-A-Family program was created to provide holiday help for military families who are uncertain if they can afford presents for their children.
Each year, we open up applications for holiday help to military families of Post 9-11 wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans, and veteran families enrolled in the HUD/VASH program. The criteria for applying is as follows:
- For deployed service members, the service member must be: Registered currently with Soldiers’ Angels for deployed support, E1 through E6, not be scheduled to return from deployment prior to December 25, 2020 and must demonstrate financial need.
- For Post 9-11 wounded, ill or injured service members or veterans, the service member or veteran must have proof of wound, illness or injury and demonstrate financial need.
- For veterans, the family must be enrolled in the HUD/VASH program. A letter of eligibility from the HUD/VASH caseworker will validate eligibility and demonstrate financial need.
How it works
Each year, our Adopt-A-Family Team gets to work sorting through and approving applications from military and veteran families across the country while at the same time getting individuals, businesses, and organizations set-up to adopt these families. As a family, you will need to first be sure you are registered for support through Soldiers’ Angels. If so, you will log into your account and check Adopt-A-Family. From there, you will need to provide additional information and upload any paperwork needed to verify your eligibility.
Each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and prioritized based on the level of need, with new families and those with the greatest need being priority one. Applicants will not be notified until they are chosen to be adopted by one of our Angels or sponsors. We will notify you by December 14 if you have not been adopted.
What to expect
Once you are adopted, you will receive an email from your sponsor requesting information about your family and their holiday needs. While this program was not meant to replace your family’s entire shopping list, the more you can tell your sponsor about your family the better. Our Angels love shopping for your little ones!

“We get the families from Soldiers’ Angels and we call every one of them. We talk to them a little bit, get a little more information, find out what gifts they want, and then we shop. The first year we did it, we physically shopped for every single family. We had 17 shopping carts at Target, we had the manager involved, it was a big ordeal. It was really neat!” says Debbie, Osborne, Director for Operations at TREA. TREA adopts hundreds of families each year.
Adopt-A-Family Advice From A Veteran Partner
It’s not uncommon for Angels to call you to get an idea of needs and wants so that the gift giving can be more personalized.
“In 2011, when we were stationed at Fort Benning, our family was eligible for Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-a-Family. A family had been given my contact number and reached out to us, to learn more about our children. The woman asked specifically what kind of gifts my children wanted. I tried to keep the gifts under $20 since she was willing to buy for two children. Through our conversation of her getting to know our family, the woman found out my daughter was wanting to learn the guitar. She must have done her research because when Christmas came, the lady gifted my daughter this beautiful classical guitar and a hard carrying case!” – Military Mom Wendy
What Happens When You Support A Military Child

You never know what you’ll be gifted. Our angels really do have a way of making the holiday special for military families. While we do ask that that you provide a list of items, but please do not put anything on your list that exceeds $50 per child such as computers, iPads, bicycles, or other expensive items or send them links to gift registries. The gift requests should range between $35 and $50 per child. The purpose of the Adopt-A-Family program is to provide your child(ren) with small tokens of appreciation. It is not meant to provide everything on your child’s wish list.
“I cannot thank you enough for what you, your family, and friends have done for our family. We are so blessed to know you. Also, I wanted to share Andy Jr’s reaction to the scarf. It was precious. So, he opened it and here is how that conversation went…
Andy: Look! A scarf made from yarn! Where did they get it?
Me: Uhh, they made it.
Andy: Like crochet, made it? Homemade, by hand?
Me: Yes. I don’t think a scarf making machine has been invented yet.
Andy: Wait a minute… Mom, you mean someone sat down for 2 or 3 months and crocheted this by hand? I mean, they had me in mind? Andy from Indiana?
Me: Well, I don’t think it took them 2-3 months, but yes. There are people out there that genuinely care and love you.
Andy: Mom, that is so cool. I just can’t believe it.
He loved all of his gifts, but I think he cherished that the most because of the time someone had to think of him and make it. Thank you, again. I can’t thank you enough.” – Aimmie J
In addition to gifts for your children, you will also be provided a gift card to help with groceries for your holiday meal.

“It was truly a blessing and I am so thankful. It was amazing to feel all that support from strangers who have now become friends. I can’t thank them enough.” – Military Mom Heather
Heather’s two sons pictured above
And that’s how Soldiers’ Angels provides holiday help for military families! If your family is worried about the upcoming holiday season and needs assistance, our Adopt-A-Family program is open until December 7th. Learn more about the program here.