Angel Blog

9/11 day of service

September 11, 2001, stands as a pivotal moment in American history, a day when the fabric of the nation was irrevocably altered. The coordinated terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda, targeting the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., resulted in the loss of nearly 3,000 lives and left an indelible scar on the national psyche. In the immediate aftermath, Americans united in grief and solidarity, showing remarkable resilience in the face of tragedy. The emotional and cultural impact of that day continues to resonate, reminding us of the vulnerability and strength that define the American spirit.

Established to transform the anniversary of this tragic day into a beacon of unity and altruism, 9/11 Day encourages Americans and people worldwide to engage in acts of service and compassion. Through volunteering, community projects, and simple acts of kindness, we not only pay tribute to those who lost their lives but also reaffirm our collective commitment to resilience, solidarity, and the enduring spirit of humanity.

How 9/11 Started Soldiers’ Angels

Our organization was established in 2003 by our founder Patti Patton when her son went to war in Iraq following the 9/11 attacks. Her son, Brandon Bader-Varn, a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army at the time, expressed the need for toiletries, additional snacks, and morale boosting items for himself and his fellow soldiers while in a combat zone. When the care packages arrived, the items were shared amongst his Soldiers and were gone immediately. Patti seeing a need, not just for her son, but for other Soldiers deployed who didn’t have close connections back home, responded with “don’t worry honey, packages are on the way!”

This organization has it’s roots in Military Service Members and their families supporting them. 9/11 Day of Service represents the reason our organization came to life in the first place. It’s to support our deployed heroes fighting for our freedom, our home, and our way of life.

At Soldiers’ Angels, we offer a variety of meaningful volunteer opportunities that allow individuals to make a tangible difference in the lives of Veterans, Military Service Members, and their families all year round. There are various campaigns and volunteer opportunities that would be perfect for any proud Americans wanting to make a difference on 9/11 Day of Service and following holiday months.

Become An Angel Volunteer

When you register as an Angel Volunteer, you gain access to various volunteering opportunities within our organization that are suitable for anyone. Service Members, Guardsmen, Reservists, Military Families, and Veterans of all eras will be supported by your efforts!

Virtual Opportunities:

  • Sending Care Packages, Letters, Baked Goods and more.
  • Adopt a Service Member through a deployment to help them with morale.
  • Participate in Collections campaigns throughout the year.

In-Person Opportunities:

  • Volunteer at VA Hospitals
  • Provide food assistance to Low-income Veterans and Service Members in one of our six cities across the country.
  • Community events such as deployment events, Stand Downs, Baby Showers and more!

Click Here to find out more or to register today!

Holiday Stockings For Heroes

Our Holiday Stockings For Heroes collection campaign that is running from September 1st – December 6th this year. It’s an amazing effort to collect items from our suggested list and putting them in Christmas stockings to send to Service Members deployed to combat zones or supporting combat operations, active duty installations, Guard/Reserve units, and Veteran patients in VA Hospitals across the country. Anyone can participate, and it’s a great way to give back to Service Members away from home during the holidays.

Go to the main page of the campaign to find out more!

Treats For Troops

Treats for Troops is a Halloween Candy collection program where local businesses and organizations can registers to collect candy for deployed Service Members. Even families can submit excess candy collected from Halloween to send to deployed troops through us.

To learn more about how to become a collection site or about the campaign all together, CLICK HERE!

Adopt-A-Family Holiday Support

The Soldiers’ Angels Holiday Adopt-A-Family program helps businesses, organizations, and individuals support qualified Military and Veteran families that could use some help providing a holiday celebration for their families. Eligible families will receive (at minimum) one gift for each child and a grocery gift card to put towards a holiday meal. Registration for families needing assistance opens on September 2, 2024 and will remain open until we reach capacity or December 1, 2024.

This is our biggest program during the holiday season. Military and Veteran families register with us and provide the necessary paperwork to validate their eligibility for our assistance. There is no better time of year than the holidays to give back, and our Adopt-A-Family program is meant to do just that! Help us spread that magic holiday spirit to Veteran and Military families.

To learn more about how this program works, or how you can register if you and your family need assistance this holiday season, click here.

Volunteer with us this 9/11 Day of Service and help us give back to the Service Members who choose to protect the freedoms and rights for all Americans.

May No Soldier Go Unloved |May No Soldier Walk Alone | May No Soldier Be Forgotten
Even After They Come Home.™