5 Great Ways to Give Back Over the Holiday Season
October 27, 2016

It’s the time of year where Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving decorations are out in stores. Visions of Halloween candy and costumes fill our heads while plans for the holidays begin to form. Here at Soldiers’ Angels, we’ve got lots of great things planned for the holidays ahead that honor, support, and give back to our troops, veterans, and their families.
If you’re looking for a way to give back, here are 5 great ways you can help us serve our troops and veterans!
Donate your leftover Halloween candy
Do your kids really need all of that candy they collected Trick-or-Treating? Why not teach the spirit of giving back? Every year we hold a Halloween Candy Drive called Treats for Troops. Once collected, we distribute the candy to deployed service members and veterans at VA Hospitals for a sweet treat.
It’s a simple way to give and very easy to get involved! Simply click here, fill out the online registration form, and we will email you flyers and other details. We will be accepting candy through December 11, 2016.
Sign-up to donate holiday stockings to Veterans
Our Holiday Community Partner Program collects and distributes holiday stockings to troops and veterans. Holiday Community Partners are individuals, groups, and businesses who help us spread holiday joy to our troops and veterans through cards, letters, and stuffed stockings. Working from a list of approved items, your group stuffs the stockings and Soldiers’ Angels distributes them to service members and veterans. This year our goal is to collect 7,500 stockings! Learn more and sign up here.
Adopt a Family this year for Christmas
Military families usually live on a very tight budget. That usually means Christmas or other winter holiday celebrations can be a real challenge for some of them. Each year we hear from hundreds of families who could use a bit of help celebrating. This is why we created the Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-a-Family program. The goal in helping these military families is to show America’s gratitude with presents for their children and a grocery gift card or prepaid Visa gift card for them to purchase their holiday dinner and trimmings.
The demand for holiday help is high! We’d love to get as many families adopted as possible. For full details on the program and how to register,click here.
Become a Community Partner
Lots of business and organizations look for ways to engage employees in charitable activities this time of year. If your business or organization is looking for a project or way to get involved, our community partner program is perfect! Community Partners help us with the work we are doing in our continually expanding list of VA Hospitals that we support. Soldiers’ Angels utilizes many volunteers and community partners in order to keep our overhead low and provide as much support as we can to military families, wounded warriors, deployed service members and veterans.
There are many things that community partners can do. Here are a few examples:
Host a collection drive for supplies
Collect monetary donations
Volunteer your time as a group
Click here for more information
Volunteer in one of the VA Hospitals we support
Soldiers’ Angels is one of the few non-profit agencies approved to work within VA Hospitals and Medical Centers. As deployments continue to draw down, our team is shifting many of our resources to support a growing veteran population. Soldiers’ Angels staff and volunteers are able to coordinate events and activities, organize corporate partner participation, and visit patients.
These are just five of many ways to get involved! Find out more about all of the services we provide on our website.