4 Ways Soldiers’ Angels Supports Military Moms
May 6, 2021
Military families hold a special place in our hearts and military moms are especially important. Whether they are female Service Members who are away from their children or the mothers who sacrifice to support their military spouse and family, these women are the epitome of strength, perseverance, and selflessness. During the month of May, we celebrate both Mother’s Day and Military Spouse Appreciation Day by honoring the Mothers of military families. But beyond these two holidays, Soldiers’ Angels has several programs specifically for the needs of military moms. Here are four ways Soldiers’ Angels supports military moms all year long.
Virtual Baby Showers
Our Baby Brigade volunteers support expecting military moms with virtual baby showers to help welcome their new bundles of joy into the world! The volunteers support expectant military/Veteran spouses as well as expectant female Service Members and Veterans. Each registered military mom gets posted to our volunteers, who will shop for and/or make items. Each angel will support a mother with an item from one of our categories: handmade items, bedding/blankets, bathing & health care items, diapers, feeding, and clothing. This way, the expectant mother gets everything she needs to support her little one. These items then get shipped from all over the country, showering the mother with support!

Female Caregiver Support
Our Women of Valor volunteers support female caregivers of wounded heroes. Caregivers are the unsung heroes of our nation’s military conflicts and the roles they take on are not something they choose. Despite their selflessness, caregivers often feel lost, unsupported, and alone in their struggles to care for our wounded, ill, and injured. The Women of Valor are here to be a friend to our military caregivers, show them support, and shower them with resources and self-care items to help them in their struggles.
Our volunteer group of female angels supports caregivers in several ways. They send “hugs” by way of cards or letters on major holidays and also include small gifts, such as gift cards and gift certificates. They also send “Blessing Boxes,” which are care packages stuffed with pampering items, encouraging gifts, and items tailored to the caregiver’s specific likes/needs. Many of our caregivers and angels develop friendships over the years as they get to know their personal struggles and triumphs.

Another service we offer to female caregivers on our Women of Valor are access to telehealth through MD Live. This allows caregivers – who often don’t have time to drive to doctor’s appointments for themselves – to set up appointments online using either a computer, tablet, or phone. Appointments are available for basic medical and behavioral health. MDLIVE’s behavioral health services offer licensed therapists that are able to help with anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar, stress management, relationship issues, and more. Medical appointments include visits with a doctor relating to non-emergency conditions like the common cold, allergies, headache, sore throat, fever, flu, etc.
Deployed Support
It’s not uncommon for deployed Service Members to be parents. Our Ladies of Liberty volunteers support female Service Members – some of whom are mothers who are missing their children. The Ladies of Liberty are an all-female group of volunteers tasked with sending deployed females or “Shero’s” with female-specific care packages.

Mothers have a special kind of strength but military mothers are really the heart and soul of our Armed Forces. Whether they are serving our country or supporting a family while a spouse is serving, we owe them a tremendous amount of respect and gratitude.