Supporting and Commemorating Loss During Memorial Day
May 27, 2021
Memorial Day is a solemn occasion dedicated to the reflection and remembrance for the sacrifices of our fallen heroes who served. It can be a very sad day for family members who have lost a loved one in combat and also for Veterans who lost brothers or sisters in arms while serving. Memorial Day can be hard for civilians who have never experienced this kind of loss to really understand how to commemorate or console those who are hurting.
At Soldiers’ Angels, our Angels volunteers, are deeply committed to supporting families of the fallen is not new, it’s something they do often. This commitment is woven into the fabric of our organization. When our organization learns of a Service Member or Veteran’s passing, a call for support is shared in our database for any members to respond. Generally, each military family will receive dozens of sympathy cards expressing sorrow, comfort, gratitude and acknowledgment for the fallen hero.
“Our family greatly appreciates your many cards of sympathy after the loss of my husband. Your words brought comfort and kind advice to my grieving heart at the time of our greatest need. Tony was proud to serve his country in a very turbulent time in our history. Over the years he was able to connect with many men who had shared the same post-war experience. He grew to feel welcomed and respected for his service to our country. Again, thank you all for responding to our family in this time of grieving and coping with our great loss.”
– Phyllis
Honoring the fallen on Memorial Day
Each individual observes Memorial Day in their own meaningful way, paying tribute to those who gave their lives in service. Although this year’s commemorations may differ due to circumstances of the year, there is no reason to skip the time-honored tradition of remembering those who have fallen and comforting those who have experienced loss. Both in their families and on the battlefield.
Soldiers’ Angels staff and Angle Volunteers have established meaningful ways to honor Memorial Day each year. These may include attending memorial services, placing flags or flowers on graves, offering support to grieving families, and writing letters. By taking these actions, we not only preserve the legacy of those who served but also remind their families that their sacrifice is remembered and deeply appreciated. Memorial Day serves as a powerful reminder to unite in gratitude and reflections.
“For myself and my family, Memorial Day is a day to remember those we have known and lost as part of our military family. Our family, like many, commemorate this day with participation in local military events. This year we will be participating in a Wear Blue Memorial Day 5k in our hometown, and then host some of our military family for a barbeque that afternoon.”
– Tracy Curran

“Memorial Day is a day to remember those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we have today. On Memorial Day we visit loved ones that are no longer with us, clean up and decorate their resting place. “
– Susie Turner
“Memorial Day is a day to reflect on those who have given so much to protect our freedom. We tend to have a Memorial Day BBQ and remember those who have served and given so much to protect our freedoms. Thankfully all of our family members who served came home safe, but so many did not. We remember them.”
– Vicki Sarracino, Sr. Director of Field Operations
“Memorial Day means remembering the sacrifices my stepfather William King made in the Vietnam War as a Navy Seal and how we need to always honor ALL of our Soldiers better today than they did back then.”
– Angel Denise
“Memorial Day is a special day for me and my family. We use it to celebrate Veterans Day with my Opa (WWII purple heart Vet). It was our special time to get together and show our gratitude for his service. Now we celebrate Memorial Day by going to his grave and decorate it with all the patriotic materials we can find (the boy scouts already put a flag). It is our time to remember him and his incredible sacrifice. It is also our way to make sure the younger generation does not forget how our Veterans sacrificed so they can live free in this beautiful country.”
– Vicky Akers, Director of Finance and Administrative Services

“Memorial Day means to me honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice from the Revolutionary War to our current situation. Those who chose not to swerve from danger, but to take it head-on in order for us to live free. People tend to forget what it took for our flag to fly free. Service Members as young as 16 to give their lives so others don’t have to live in fear. Proud to be an American!!”
– Angel Tony
“Memorial Day is about remembering all who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We share stories about my father-in-law and talk to our son, who is a veteran.”
Danna Bernaden, Soldiers’ Angels Office Manager