VA Medical Center Registration

Eligible medical facilities are those staffed with a full-time CDCE Chief. Each registered site will host a volunteer activity between November 1-15, 2024. Soldiers’ Angels will provide a thank you card, shirt, or cap for each hospitalized Veteran and will have a budget to help with the expense of a volunteer activity. Activities can be ceremonies, parades, games, patient visits, or other activity the CDCE would like to host in celebration of Veterans Day. We will recruit a Site Coordinator and volunteers to staff the event from our partner companies.
There are a number of benefits to participating in the Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave campaign. Veterans at your facility are honored on Veterans Day, at a minimum, with a shirt or cap, thank you card, and activity, partner volunteers living in the area are introduced to the VA and CDCE, and many site coordinators become Soldiers’ Angels reps for sites not already covered which results in year-round support.
Registration is now open for 2024! Please complete the registration form here.
Mailing address
When entering your mailing address, please be sure it’s complete and accurate to ensure proper delivery directly to the CDCE Office at the medical facility (no PO boxes).
Example address
Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Center for Development and Civic Engagement, 135
5000 W. National Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53295-0001
“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”
Elmer Davis