Home of the Brave: Corporate Partner Communications Toolkit

Welcome Corporate Partners
Thank you for your incredible support of this year’s Home of the Brave campaign!
We put together some information and assets that will help your team communicate about Home of the Brave internally and externally. Scroll through the tabs below to get started.
What is Home of the Brave?
Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave (HOB) is a campaign that works directly with Center for Development & Civic Engagement (CDCE) and corporate partners to provide employees and employers the opportunity to show their gratitude for Veterans on or around Veterans Day.
The campaign began in 2012 as a corporate social responsibility activity for the employees of Hewlett Packard. The activity provided much-needed items to Veterans at VA facilities and to the homeless Veteran population with the mission to thank those we owe for our freedom. Since then, the program has evolved into an annual campaign that allows hundreds of employees from some of the country’s largest corporations to participate and show their gratitude.
Over the past 12 years, Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave has supported and honored 282,714 Veterans at VA medical centers across the country. During those 12 years, 7,510 corporate volunteers have invested 52,653 hours in honoring and showing their gratitude to those who sacrificed for our Nation.

“The willingness of America’s Veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.”
– Jeff Miller
About Soldiers’ Angels
Since its founding, Soldiers’ Angels has built one of the largest volunteer armies in the U.S. philanthropic
community, with tens of thousands of “angel” volunteers assisting Veterans, wounded, and deployed personnel
and their families.
In 2023 alone, through the work of Soldiers’ Angels volunteers:
- 1,332,654 Service Members, Veterans, and family members were supported;
- 45,722 Service Members and Veterans across the country were provided with food assistance;
- 34,337 care packages sent to deployed;
- 193,885 letters and cards mailed to deployed, Veterans, and caregivers.

Soldiers’ Angels has a 94.5% Efficiency Rating and has become one of the highest-rated nonprofits in the country. Awards include Candid Platinum Participant; 2024 Top-Rated Nonprofit from GreatNonprofits; Four Star Charity from Charity Navigator; and meets all 20 Standards for Accountability from the Better Business Bureau.
The mission of Soldiers’ Angels is to provide aid, comfort, and resources to the Military, Veterans, and their families.
The vision of Soldiers’ Angels is for Military, wounded Military, Veterans, and their families to have access to needed community resources and support.
The Values of Soldiers’ Angels: Compassion, Dedication, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Collaborative, Credibility, Responsiveness.
“May No Soldier Go Unloved” encapsulates the motivation behind Soldiers’ Angels. The volunteers of Soldiers’ Angels work tirelessly to support our Nation’s Veterans, wounded heroes, deployed Service Members, and their families.
Numerous opportunities are available throughout each calendar year to demonstrate your company’s leadership in the Veteran philanthropic space. To learn how you can become an ongoing corporate partner, view our corporate engagement opportunities, or contact Amy Palmer directly at 210-629-0020 or [email protected].

How It Works
VA Medical Centers register for the campaign and select the type of event they would like to host, typically held between the 1st and 15th of November.
Corporate partners provide the volunteer base from among their employee population, including dedicated Site Coordinators for each VA medical center.

What is a Site Coordinator?
Site Coordinators (SCs) are volunteers from Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave partner companies and serve as the lead volunteer for the designated VA site. Site Coordinators will be included in general campaign communications, SC meetings with Soldiers’ Angels, and given access to a Site Coordinator portal.
There will not be more than one coordinator per site. Interested employees are required to read the SC handbook on duties required before registering as a Site Coordinator on the Home of the Brave website.

Home of the Brave Key Messages
About Soldiers’ Angels
Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave is an annual campaign operated by Soldiers’ Angels, a GuideStar Platinum-rated national 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides aid, comfort, and resources to the military, `Veterans, and their families.
What is Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave?
Gifted to Soldiers’ Angels in 2020 by Perspecta Inc. (now Peraton), Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave works
directly with the VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE) and corporate partners to provide employees and employers the opportunity to show their gratitude for Veterans on or around Veterans Day.
The campaign, which began in 2012 as a corporate social responsibility activity for the employees of Hewlett
Packard, has allowed thousands of employee volunteers from some of the country’s largest corporations to
participate and show their gratitude.
Campaign Impact
Since 2012, Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave has supported and honored 282,714 Veterans at VA medical
centers across the country. During those 12 years, 7,510 corporate volunteers have invested 52,653 hours in
honoring and showing their gratitude to those who sacrificed for our Nation. The events totaled over $2,179,626 in donations to supported VAs.
Corporate Partner Outreach Templates
Help us spread the word about the incredible impact this program will have on the Veteran community, and share how your company is doing its part to share gratitude for our Nation’s heroes! The below materials are designed for you to share with your communities to encourage involvement in the campaign as well as to seek Site Coordinators.
- Press Release – Includes approved Home of the Brave messaging, as well as a quote from Soldiers’ Angels leadership. Items highlighted in red are for you to fill in with content specific to your company and situation before sharing.
- Please note that Soldiers’ Angels does not guarantee local media outreach and each Site Coordinator should work with their local VA site to determine their specific regulations around media coverage.
- Site Coordinators Recruitment Memo – Brief messages to distribute internally at your company to share the opportunity for involvement in this campaign, as well as to seek Site Coordinators. Items highlighted in red are for you to fill in with content specific to your company and situation before sharing.
Social Media
Be sure to connect with us and encourage your volunteers to do the same!
- Website: soldiersangels.org/homeofthebrave
- Hashtag: #SAHomeOfTheBrave
- Find and tag us at:
External Promotional Social Media Content
Help spread the word—let people know how your organization is sharing gratitude this Veterans Day! To
help, we’ve created a template of posts and graphics for you to personalize and share with your audience
on social media (be sure to fill in the red text with your specific info!).
Share Your Company’s Experience
Throughout the duration of the Home of the Brave Campaign, we encourage you to highlight your employees by sharing about their participation—this can be done through photos, testimonials, and videos showcasing their experiences. Don’t forget to use our campaign hashtag—#SAHomeOfTheBrave—when posting!
Here are a few ideas of types of posts you can create to highlight your employees throughout the campaign:
- Ask an employee(s) participating to share in a video how volunteering in the Home of the Brave Campaign has impacted them (video should be <45 seconds)
- Have Site Coordinators submit their best photo(s) from their event, and highlight the experience of employees at each location. You can even add a branded frame to the photo by clicking here or clicking here and adding the photo to the frame in a program like Canva.
- Ask a Site Coordinator(s) to document their experience in a blog for your website—link to it on your social media channels once published
Internal Posts: Site Coordinator Outreach
Volunteers are at the heart of the Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave campaign, and each year our wonderful
Site Coordinators work hard to ensure the success of each event. These brief messages are designed to help you
promote your company’s involvement in Home of the Brave, as well as to recruit employees to serve as a Site
Campaign Style Guidelines
Campaign Logo
Click here to view and download the Official Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave Campaign Logo
Boiler Plate
About Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave
Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave is an annual campaign operated by Soldiers’ Angels, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides aid, comfort, and resources to the military, veterans, and their families. Established in 2012 as an annual corporate social responsibility campaign, Home of the Brave was gifted to Soldiers’ Angels in 2020. The campaign engages corporations and their employees in honoring and showing appreciation for veterans at VA medical facilities nationwide in celebration of Veterans Day. Volunteers organize special events, visit patients, and donate much-needed items during the days leading up to or immediately following November 11. (Tax ID# 20-0583415). Learn more at SoldiersAngels.org/HomeoftheBrave.
Please send any questions you have regarding Home of the Brave to Katie Bowen at [email protected].
Connect with Soldiers’ Angels!