Families: Holiday Adopt-A-Family Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in receiving support through the Soldiers’ Angels Holiday Adopt-A-Family Program. Below is a list of commonly asked questions to familiarize you with the program.
If this does not answer your questions, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to get in touch with us.
1. When do you start accepting applications from Military and Veteran families for this program?
Registration opens on September 2, 2024. Deadline to apply is December 1, 2024 or when we reach our goal of 1,900 registered families.
2. Who qualifies for the Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-A-Family Program and what documents do they need to register for support?
The following families are eligible based on financial need:
- Deployed:
- Registered currently with Soldiers’ Angels for Deployed Support
- Deployment Orders showing deployment is through December 25, 2024
- Not Deployed:
- Active Duty:
- Letter of necessity from Chaplain, Unit Leadership, or Military support agency
- Proof of Identity (Military ID, DD1172, recent DD214, recent Performance Evaluation)
- National Guard or Reserves:
- Letter of necessity from Chaplain, Unit Leadership, or Military support agency
- Activation orders showing activation through December 25, 2024
- Active Duty:
- Veterans:
- Post 9/11 Wounded, Ill, or Injured:
- Proof of wound, illness, or injury (line of duty determination, Purple Heart, or VA disability rating of 10% or more). The VA disability letter needs to be dated in 2024
- DD214 – Member 4 copy or NGB Form 22 showing Honorable Discharge
- Letter from Case Manager stating that you are currently a Veteran in the HUD/VASH program, signed and dated within 30 days of application
- Post 9/11 Wounded, Ill, or Injured:
All families please note:
• All families must have a biological, legally adopted, or step-child, ages 18 and under, living in the home and not yet graduated from high school.
• All families will be placed on a priority placement list. Families who have not participated in the Adopt-A-Family Program in the past and those with the greatest need will have priority.
3. How do I apply?
Registration opens on September 02, 2024. You can apply at soldiersangels.org
4. What documents are required for registration?
Please see Question 2.
5. Am I guaranteed to be adopted once my application is approved?
Submitting an application does not guarantee participation or adoption in the program. Each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and prioritized based on the level of need, with new families and those with the greatest need being priority one.
6. How will I know if I am adopted?
Once your application is approved and you are chosen to be adopted by one of our Angels or sponsors, you will receive an email from Soldiers’ Angels. Your sponsor will contact you to get additional information. Due to the volume of emails that we will be receiving, we will not be able to respond to repeated emails asking about the status of an application.
7. How will I know if I am not adopted?
Soldiers’ Angels strives very hard to get all qualified and approved families adopted for the holidays. In the event we are unable to locate an Angel or sponsor for your family, we will notify you by email by December 15, 2024.
8. If I have received gifts from the Adopt-A-Family Program in the past, can I still register?
Yes, you may register for the Adopt-A-Family program but priority will be given to Military and Veteran families who have not registered or received gifts in the past.
9. Will the sponsor provide enough toys and food to meet all of my holiday needs?
This program is not meant to provide for your family’s entire holiday support, but to serve as a token of appreciation from the community. The gift card is meant to assist with your holiday meal but not provide everything for your meal.
10. When will you start matching families with Angels or sponsors?
Families will be placed up for adoption starting on September 30, 2024, or upon approval of the completed application after September 30, 2024.
11. We are going out of the area to be with our family for the holidays, can we still apply?
Yes, you may still apply for the Adopt-A-Family program if you will be traveling or away from your home for the holidays. However, you must specify when you will be away from your home so that delivery of packages will not be made during your absence.
12. My nieces/nephews or grandchildren are living with us right now. Are they eligible to participate?
No, only DEERS Enrolled or DEERS eligible dependents are eligible to participate. For families in HUD/VASH, only those on the voucher are eligible to participate.
13. My 19-year-old child lives at home while going to college. Do they qualify to participate?
No. This program is designed for minor children, ages 18 and under, living in the home and not yet graduated from high school.
14. Do I have to have children to participate in the program?
Yes, only families with dependent children (at the time of application submission) will be able to participate in the program.
15. You ask on the application to “explain in detail why you are in need of holiday assistance through the Adopt-A-Family program,” how much information do I need to say?
Please include all information to give us a better understanding of why you need the assistance. Simply stating, “I want to participate” or “to get gifts” is not acceptable. Priority is given to families in greatest need, as determined solely by Soldiers’ Angels and your narrative in this section helps us to further assess need.
16. You ask on the application to “Provide a message to the Adopting Sponsor”, how much information do I need to say?
Please include specific information about your family, your children, your interests, and why you need the assistance. Our Angels and sponsors are able to read these messages before selecting who they wish to adopt. The more information you provide, the better your story is told for the sponsor.
17. Do you give the sponsor my application with all my information?
Sponsors will have access to your application but will not have access to your submitted supporting documentation. They will have your contact information, the wish lists for each child, and will see the message you write for them.
18. How will I be notified if you have matched me with a sponsor?
We will email you to let you know that you have been adopted. Your sponsor will contact you. It is then you and your sponsor’s responsibility to communicate regarding the program.
19. Am I allowed to tell the sponsor that I don’t want the gifts wrapped?
Yes, please discuss this with the sponsor if you have a preference.
20. Do I have to invite the sponsor to my home?
No, many sponsors will be out of the local area and even out of state and need to mail the items to you. If you are matched with a sponsor in your local area, we discourage meeting at your home and suggest meeting at a public place.
21. My sponsor is a company and they have requested I come to an event. Do I have to attend?
No. In many cases, the sponsoring company may not be local to you. If they are and you wish to attend a company event, we would encourage it, but it is not required. If you are uncomfortable or have concerns about attending an event, please contact Soldiers’ Angels and we will help facilitate those discussions for you with the sponsoring company.
22. My sponsor has asked me for a list of items for my children, do I have to give them a list?
If your application was not very thorough in regard to your children’s gift requests, the Sponsor may request a better list. If requested by the Sponsor, please give them a list of items so they may choose what is within their budget and abilities. Please do not put anything on your list that exceeds $50 per child such as computers, iPads, bicycles, or other expensive items or send them links to gift registries. The gift requests should range between $35 and $50 per child. The purpose of the Adopt-A-Family program is to provide your child(ren) with small tokens of appreciation. It is not meant to provide everything on your child’s wish list. Please be mindful of this as the Angels or sponsors are participating in the program to help you this holiday season.
23. My children can really use clothing instead of toys; can I ask the sponsor for those items instead?
Yes, you may include any items on the list that would benefit your children for the holiday. If you ask for clothing, please indicate sizes.
24. My children are really picky; can I ask the sponsors for gift cards only?
No, please do not ask a sponsor for gift cards for gifts for the children. Sponsors are instructed not to send gift cards to the children. If gift cards are requested, your application will be denied.
25. Is the sponsor going to give the adults gifts as well?
No. The sponsor is not obligated to give the Service Member and/or spouse a gift.
26. I am having difficulties communicating with my sponsor or haven’t heard from my sponsor what do I do?
Please contact Soldiers’ Angels at [email protected] at the bottom of this page and someone will get back with you to discuss and help facilitate the communication or assign you to another Sponsor. If you haven’t heard from your sponsor by December 15th and have not notified Soldiers’ Angels by this date, your family may not receive support.
27. We want to send our sponsor a thank you letter but we do not have their address, what do we do?
You can ask your Sponsor for their mailing address so you can send them a thank you letter or note. If the Sponsor does not wish to provide you their contact information, you can always send us the letter and we will forward to the sponsor. Please indicate their name on the letter and address to c/o Soldiers’ Angels, 2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107, San Antonio, TX 78218.
More Important Information
- Please note that we get an overwhelming number of phone calls during Adopt-A-Family. The best way to reach out to our team is by emailing [email protected].
- Once your application is submitted, you will receive a call from an Adopt-A-Family Team member to review your application and required documents.
- Please ensure you have an accessible e-mail address and contact phone number. Any missed communication may result in your family being dropped from the program.
- If you need to update your profile, please do so via email to [email protected]. DO NOT make any changes to your profile through the Database.
Thank you for your service to our country and the sacrifices your family makes for our freedom. Our warmest wishes to you and your family for a wonderful holiday season!
Contact the Adopt-A-Family Team