Father’s Day From Afar
Honoring Fathers who are serving and away from their families this Father's Day weekend.
June 13, 2019

Father’s Day is right around the corner! While lots of families prepare to fire up the grill or celebrate a special day for the father figures in their lives, there are other families who will miss out on the celebration. Father’s Day can be a sad time for military families who are apart due to deployment – or families who have lost their loved one in combat.
There are fathers who are home while their spouse or significant other is deployed, fathers who are deployed and missing their families, fathers who may have missed the birth of their child due to deployment, and families who have two parents overseas serving.
This Father’s Day, we honor those who are serving and away from their families during this special day. May they be reunited soon.
Here’s an adorable photo from Brittany, whose significant other is currently deployed and away from his family.
“A photo of our little family right before daddy left for deployment. Our son was only 3 months in this photo and he will be a year old when daddy gets back. We are beyond ready for daddy to be home and wish he got to spend his first Father’s Day with his mini-me!” – Brittany
Happy Father’s Day to all of our military dads!