Pairs of Socks Collected
towards our 25,000 pair goal!

1/13/2025 IMPORTANT NOTICE: To those who have participated in Warm Feet for Warriors in past years, please read through the below information carefully!!! We have changed our process for this campaign and you must register in our database and select the location you wish to ship your socks!! Please do not send your socks to our San Antonio address unless that is the address you select in our database!!
Provide comfort for brave soles.
Believe it or not, one of the items that is most requested from Service Members and Veterans is socks!
Just think how nice a brand-new pair of socks feel when you slip your feet in…
Soldiers’ Angels wants to help keep our Service Members and Veterans’ toes feeling toasty, and you can help! Donate socks individually or start a sock collection drive & send us new socks in all colors and sizes in their original packaging.
Don’t worry, we know there are regulations for the type of socks our Service Members wear when in uniform, but they request socks to wear when out of uniform– so really, any socks will do!
New: You can choose who to support with your sock donations! Working through our new database, you’ll be able to send the socks directly to a deployed Service Member or a deployed Chaplain, fulfill the sock request from one of many VA Hospitals we support across the country, or even ship them to Military/Guard/Reserve installations in various locations!
How to Participate
The first step to participate is registering as a Soldiers’ Angels volunteer or logging into an existing account.
Need some help registering? Click here for instructions on how to register as a volunteer!
Already registered as a volunteer but need some help finding the Warm Feet opportunities? Click here for step-by-step instructions.

After you register or log in, you’ll be able to select a Warm Feet for Warriors opportunity to support! Search our database to find an opportunity/shipping address close to you (a VA or Military installation) or select to support a deployed Service Member or deployed Chaplain!
You can select one opportunity or many! Please only select the number of opportunities you can realistically support. If you select an opportunity requesting hundreds of pairs of socks, you don’t have to fill the entire order, instead, commit to the number of socks you plan to purchase or collect. The remaining socks will be picked up by another Angel volunteer!
Great news!! Registering as a volunteer means that your support can go wayyyy beyond socks!! This means you’ll have access to future collection campaigns and a wide range of year-round volunteer opportunities—from sending care packages to deployed to visiting Veteran patients at the VA and everything in between! Log into the database to see the impact you can create!
After you Select Your Opportunity/Shipping Address
- Purchase socks from a local store and ship them to an address you select in our database.* Please mark your box(es) Soldiers’ Angels Warm Feet for Warriors to ensure the recipient can connect them to the campaign.
- Host a sock collection drive at your company, school, or organization and ship them to one or more addresses you select in our database.* Please mark your box(es) Soldiers’ Angels Warm Feet for Warriors to ensure the recipient can connect them to the campaign.
Ship your socks to the address you choose in our database between February 1st – March 31st and they will count towards our Warm Feet for Warriors goal for this year! Also, please note that you will have until April 15th to report the support you provided in our database!
No Time to Shop or Collect? Donate Now!
Make a monetary donation towards the purchase of socks or the cost to ship socks to Service Members and Veterans!
Collection Dates
Soldiers’ Angels accepts socks at any time in the year, but to count towards our Warm Feet for Warriors goal, we must receive socks between these dates:
February 1 – March 31
(Don’t worry if your socks arrive a little before the 1st or a little after the 31st– we anticipate that most people will end their collections on the 31st and the socks will arrive in the 2-3 weeks following.)
Socks are always needed at Soldiers’ Angels! This collection helps us fill sock needs across the country and around the world. Help us reach or exceed this year’s collection goal of:
25,000 Pairs of Socks
Don’t forget to login to your profile and report the shipping details. This helps us track our goal in real time!
Shipping Address
Please Note: You are responsible for the cost of shipping the socks to the address you choose in our database. In order for your socks to count toward the Warm Feet for Warriors goal, your package must arrive no later than April 15. Please mark your box(es) Soldiers’ Angels Warm Feet for Warriors to ensure the recipient can connect them to the campaign.
Ship your socks to an address you choose from our database! After you ship your socks, do not forget to log in to your profile and report the shipping details. This is the only way to know that your socks were sent and to close the loop on the donation!
If you choose to ship to an APO/AE address, USPS Priority Mail boxes will likely be the most cost-efficient way to send your socks and a customs form will be required.
Sock Collection Drive
Interested in starting a sock collection drive at your business, school, church, group, etc.? That’s great! Scroll down to the Marketing Materials section and find graphics you can use to promote your campaign.
To start a collection drive, simply use a cardboard box or bin for collection and tape the flyer to your collection box! Please be sure to check with your office, school, church, or group regarding any regulations they may have on hosting a collection drive.
Once your collection is over, ship your collected socks to the address you choose in our database! Do not forget to login to your profile and report the shipping details. This is the only way to know that your socks were sent and to close the loop on the donation!
Marketing Materials
Feel free to use any of these prepared materials to promote your sock event or collection!
- Full URL to website page about campaign:
- Shortened URL to website page:
- Amazon Gift Registry:
- Hashtags for the campaign: #WarmFeetForWarriors #WarmFeet #SocksForSoldiers #BraveSoles

Soliciting Donations
Soldiers’ Angels has created collection campaigns throughout the year as an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and organizations to come together and give back to our Service Members and Veterans. These collection campaigns are meant to be held in a way that general members of the public (ie, your friends, family, classmates, co-workers, etc.) can donate to the campaign. If you are hosting a collection, please do not solicit cash or in-kind donations from retailers, manufacturers, large corporations, or any other business entity. Due to the nature of those requests and the paperwork involved, solicitation of donations must come directly from Soldiers’ Angels. In most cases, we already have a relationship established with many of the major businesses. If you happen to have a connection at a retailer, manufacturer, large corporation, or other business entity that you think would be willing to donate cash or in-kind items to Soldiers’ Angels, please reach out to us and we would be happy to contact them. Email: [email protected]
Soldiers’ Angels Warm Feet for Warriors FAQ:
Still have questions? We’ve got answers! Explore our FAQ section to learn more about Warm Feet for Warriors. If we didn’t answer your question, feel free to reach out via phone or email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Email: [email protected] Phone: 210.629.0020
Please click on each question to reveal the answer.
A: As many as you want! We have had donations ranging from 1 pair to over 3,000! Just please note– you are responsible for the cost of shipping the socks to the location you select from our database.
A: We ask that you do not deliver your socks to our San Antonio address unless that is the address you have selected from our database. Instead, you need to select a shipping address from our database and ship the socks to that address.
A: The short answer is no, please do not solicit donations (cash or in-kind items) from any major company. Here’s why: Soldiers’ Angels has created collection campaigns throughout the year as an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and organizations to come together and give back to our Service Members and Veterans. These collection campaigns are meant to be held in a way that general members of the public (ie, your friends, family, classmates, co-workers, etc.) can donate to the campaign. If you are hosting a collection, please do not solicit cash or in-kind donations from retailers, manufacturers, large corporations, or any other business entity. Due to the nature of those requests and the paperwork involved, solicitation of donations must come directly from Soldiers’ Angels. In most cases, we already have a relationship established with many of the major businesses. If you happen to have a connection at a retailer, manufacturer, large corporation, or other business entity that you think would be willing to donate cash or in-kind items to Soldiers’ Angels, please reach out to us and we would be happy to contact them. Email: [email protected]
A: You will choose from opportunities in our database to determine where your socks go. Then you will send your socks directly to the person or location who requested the socks. This could be a deployed Service Member, deployed Chaplain, VA Chief, or a leader at an active duty, Guard or Reserve installation.
A: As an Angel, you are welcome and encouraged to include (or continue including) socks in your care packages. However, we will not be able to count the socks in Angel care packages towards the Warm Feet for Warriors campaign total. BUT you are encouraged to pick up a sock opportunity for Warm Feet For Warriors and send socks to one of our deserving recipients! This may be a VA Medical Center, active duty installation, Guard/Reserve base, deployed Chaplain or a deployed Service Member. You can select the sock opportunity that is right for you, but remember, you will be collecting and shipping only socks!
A: Yes, in this case, we do request that the socks are brand new in their original packaging. Don’t get us wrong, we love the talent it takes to produce a pair of handmade socks– but those requesting the socks on the other end are most probably looking to receive store-bought socks.
A: It is not necessary, but you are welcome to include a quick note or card. We do ask that you please mark your box(es) Soldiers’ Angels Warm Feet for Warriors to ensure the recipient can connect them to the campaign.
A: You can buy any adult-size socks. We have Service Members and Veterans of all sizes and genders, so as long as they are adult socks, they will work. Also, there may be special notes in the opportunity you select in our database. For example, VA Hospitals may request special socks such as non-skid hospital socks vs. the athletic socks active duty and deployed may request.
A: Black or white is preferred, but really any color is fine! As we mentioned above, these socks are not meant to be used as uniform socks by our deployed Service Members. The Military has pretty strict regulations when it comes to military uniforms and every branch is different. However, even deployed have plenty of time out of uniform. These socks will be used by military Service Members for time out of uniform. For Veterans in hospitals, the color doesn’t matter at all, but hospitals require that patients have non-skid socks.
A: If you would like to receive a tax receipt for your donation from any store, online or not, including Amazon, you must fill out an intent to donate form after you place your order from that store. If the store you’re ordering from has an option to include your name and address on a gift receipt, please do that as well.
The intent to donate form and the gift receipt will help us match the donation to your name once we receive it. This will also mean that a tax receipt is generated once we match the donation. Unfortunately, if we cannot match an item we receive to an intent to donate form that was submitted, the item will be marked as an “Anonymous Donation” and we would not be able to issue a tax receipt for that item.
A: Volunteers will be able to see their in-kind donations on their volunteer dashboard. We provide a donation letter you can download and attach to your in-kind donation history report from the dashboard to serve as your donation receipt.
A: Absolutely! We have a form specifically for donations to for Warm Feet for Warriors! Donate today and help us keep our Service Members and Veterans’ toes feeling toasty!