Before you pledge your stuffed holiday stockings, please read through this important information!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Packages will need to be postmarked or delivered by December 7th. Participants are responsible for all shipping/delivery costs to get the stockings to the designated recipient location. Please do not ship your stuffed stockings to Soldiers’ Angels Headquarters in San Antonio unless you are directed to do so by the coordinator.
Click on each category below for all the details you need to know before you pledge!
Here are the items to include in your stuffed holiday stocking:
Include any combination of the following items, along with a small card or handwritten note inside the stocking to let the Service Members and Veterans know you’re thinking of them.
Please Note: All food items should be store-bought. If you’re interested in baking, please join as a virtual volunteer to explore any baking opportunities we may have at this time.
- Slim Jims or Beef Jerky
- Packages of Holiday nuts
- Single-serving drink mix packets (i.e. Crystal Light, Powerade, etc.)
- Candy Canes
- Holiday candy (in sealed wrapping or small unopened bags)
- Peanut Brittle
- Single-serving cookie packages
- Apple cider packets (must be in Ziploc baggies in case the packets break)
- Hot chocolate packets (must be in Ziploc baggies in case the packets breaks)
- Travel-sized games
- Card games (Uno, Phase 10)
- Stress balls (holiday-themed preferred)
- Holiday-themed writing pens or pencils
- Small notepads
- Puzzle book (Crosswords, Sudoku, Word Find)
- Playing cards
- Holiday-themed lip balm
- Gloves (preferably black; winter; one size fits all)
- Winter caps/hats
- Socks
- Other holiday-themed items
Please do not include these items:
- NO GLASS (containers, ornaments, etc)
- NO SHARP OBJECTS (safety pins, razors, pocket knives)
- NO PRODUCTS CONTAINING ALCOHOL (some mouthwash, hand sanitizer, some colognes)
- NO Glitter
- NO BRANDED STOCKINGS or marketing materials with company/organization names, logos, etc.
- NO political materials
Close your stocking so it doesn’t spill!
Stockings need to be securely fastened at the top to prevent items from spilling during shipping.
Years ago, someone donated a stocking using a knit cap as a closure, and it was brilliant! This is our preferred method for closing the stocking since it’s easy to remove and adds a useful extra item for the recipients.
Soldiers’ Angels stocking caps can be purchased in our Angel store, or any store-bought stocking cap will work.
Please DO NOT use staples or safety pins to close your stockings, as they are not allowed in most VA Hospitals.

Packaging and Shipping
- On the outside of your box of stockings, please write “From: Soldiers’ Angels” on at least two sides of the box in black permanent marker.
- Please ensure you carefully pack the stuffed stockings with newspaper, packing peanuts, or bubble wrap to minimize damage during shipping.
- Avoid using extra-large boxes, and keep the box weight under 40 pounds.
Don’t forget: you are responsible for the cost of shipping/delivering your stockings to your designated recipient location!

Marketing Materials
To help your stocking campaign be a smashing success, we’ve created some graphics that you can use to help promote your collection and/or packing party. Feel free to add these graphics to your materials and share across your channels.
- Facebook Cover Photo 2
- Flyer
- Editable Flyer – Use this template as a background in Word, Canva, or similar and add your own text to the blank text box areas!
Soliciting Donations
Soldiers’ Angels has created collection campaigns throughout the year as an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and organizations to come together and give back to our Service Members and Veterans. These collection campaigns are meant to be held in a way that general members of the public (i.e., your friends, family, classmates, co-workers, etc.) can donate to the campaign. If you are hosting a collection, please do not solicit cash or in-kind donations from retailers, manufacturers, large corporations, or any other business entity. Due to the nature of those requests and the paperwork involved, solicitation of donations must come directly from Soldiers’ Angels. In most cases, we already have a relationship established with many of the major businesses. If you happen to have a connection at a retailer, manufacturer, large corporation, or other business entity that you think would be willing to donate cash or in-kind items to Soldiers’ Angels, please reach out to us and we would be happy to contact them. Email: [email protected]
Remember to include a stocking card so the heroes receiving them know exactly who their thoughtful gift is from! This year, we’ve made it easier than ever with a simple print-at-home version of the card.
- Click here or the image to the right
- Right click and select “Save as” to download to your computer
- Print two-sided, preferably full color
- Fold in half so “Thank You for Your Service” is on the front
- Feel free to add your own hand-written note inside of the card
- Stuff into your completed stocking(s)!
After you scroll through the tabs above, you will be fully prepared to don your ugly sweaters, dust off your yuletide spirit, and pack some stockings for Military heroes!
But, if you still have questions after reading through the above information, please email us before you pledge: [email protected].
Tip: Don’t wait too long after October 1st to pledge… Holiday Stockings for Heroes is one of our most popular collection campaigns and the pledges will fill fast!