Soldiers’ Angels No Sew Blanket Drive
October 29, 2015

As we approach winter and the days get colder, we’ve been getting a lot of requests from our Veterans for blankets to keep warm. We decided what better time than now to do a No Sew Blanket Drive!
What’s a “No-Sew” Blanket?
Our amazing Sewing and Crafting Team has been making “No-Sew” Blankets for our service members for years. It’s an easy way to say “Thank You” and show we care. No Sew blankets are made of fleece and require NO SEWING! They are an easy craft project with a huge impact.
How do I participate?
We will be starting our No Sew Blanket Drive on Thursday, October 29th and will run all winter long. All you have to do is download the instructions, make as many blankets as you’d like, and email Tammy at ([email protected]) for shipping instructions. Want to add a special touch? Roll the blanket up, tie a ribbon around the blanket and attach a message!
The blankets will be distributed to patients at VA hospitals throughout the country.
Blanket Specifics
We are looking for twin bed sized as well as wheelchair sized blankets (30×42) – but we need more of the twin bed sized.
Click here for No Sew Blanket Instructions
Ready, set, no sew! This is a great way to show appreciation to our heroes. We can’t wait to see all of the gorgeous blankets you create!