Send Some Warmth To Our Military This Summer!
May 4, 2017

One of the unique ways our volunteers give back to veterans is to perform patient visits at VA Hospitals around the country. Whenever we have blankets to give, the volunteers will present a blanket to the patient during that visit. Hospitals can be cold and having your own special blanket helps make the stay a little bit better.
We also like to send blankets to the deployed service members we support. Although they may not need the blanket for warmth like the veteran patients, the blanket does provide comfort. Simple reminders of home, like blankets, are often what help service members make it through long, hard deployments.
Usually, our blankets come from the Sewing and Crafting Team or from the many corporate events we participate in around the country. These blankets are usually handmade “No Sew” blankets. In 2016, we held a No Sew Blanket Drive and collected about 200 colorful and comfortable blankets from around the country. This year we wanted to make it even easier for more people to participate– those who may be crafty and those who prefer to purchase something ready-made. So we’ve decided to expand the drive to include any type of blanket!
How it works
Email [email protected] to get an address to ship the blankets.
Purchase or make a blanket (or blankets).
Attach a personal note to the blanket(s) thanking them for their service.
Ship your blanket(s) to the address given.
Feel good about sending warmth to a military hero!
Blanket requirements
We are accepting any type of NEW blanket (store bought or handmade).
Preferably twin sized as that will fit both hospital beds and military cots.
We have an Amazon Wishlist to make it even easier! Please note, you do not have to purchase a blanket off the wishlist, it’s just there to make the blanket research and shipping easier. If you decide to go through Amazon, be sure to shop using and select Soldiers’ Angels as your charity. Amazon donates a percentage of your purchase to our organization. 🙂
Here’s a link to our Amazon wishlist: Our home office address is already set so anything purchased through this list will go directly to our office. Easy peasy!
We’ll be running the blanket drive from May through August 31st. Our goal is 700 blankets! Help us send a smile and some warmth to our deployed service members, veterans, and injured military
As of August 22nd, we have collected 811 blankets exceeding our 700 blanket goal!
BUT our Blanket Drive doesn’t technically end until August 31… and we want to KEEP going to see how many blankets we can collect!! Can you help us with one last push to collect blankets for our heroes and sheroes?