Pedaling for Our Wounded Warriors
May 22, 2014

At the beginning of May, Craigar Matheny began a journey. A journey that will take him 1,744 miles across our country– starting in Denver, Colorado and ending in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Doesn’t seem like a very big journey, right? A few hours by plane or maybe a day or so by car. Here’s the catch— Matheny is completing this journey on his bicycle! That’s right, 1,744 miles by bike.
Matheny completes a cross-country journey every year to raise money for wounded soldiers. This year, he is riding and raising money for Soldiers’ Angels and USMC Sgt. Luis Gamez.
When he approaches his finish line in Winston-Salem, he will be greeted by fellow Marines, other active duty service members, veterans and family. Some of them will even be riding the final leg with him.
Thanks to modern technology, you can follow Matheny in real time via his Facebook page.
Matheny is posting photos of his journey as well as stories of all the folks he meets along the way. (Be sure to check the “Recent Posts by Others” as he is often posting updates from his personal profile).
To help raise awareness of Craigar Matheny, his journey, and his cause, we are rallying support for him via Facebook and X with #GoCraigar. Give him a shout out on Social Media and maybe together we can get Pedaling for Wounded Warriors to go viral by the time he reaches North Carolina!
If you’d like to help support Craigar Matheny and his cause, please send donations to our Soldiers’ Angels headquarters and include a notation that it is in support of Craigar Matheny:
Soldiers’ Angels2700 NE Loop 410, Suite 310
San Antonio, Texas 78217