Honor a Military Spouse Today. And Every Day.
May 5, 2016

“The strength of our Nation’s military comes not just from the brave women and men who defend the values we cherish, but also from their families, who serve alongside them and make great sacrifices in service to our country.” – President Barack Obama
Military Spouse Appreciation Day is celebrated the Friday before Mother’s Day every year. It’s a day to honor military spouses. These men, women and often times parents, serve very important roles both while their spouses are away and when they come home from serving our country.
Often times we honor or think of our military heroes without thinking of their spouses, who are left to worry, parent, and support their family. Set aside some time today to thank and/or honor a military spouse. Because being the husband or a wife to a military person means…
Enduring long absences from your loved one.
Constantly wondering or worrying about their safety.
Going long periods of time without even talking to your spouse (which means not knowing that they are ok).
Moving all over the place with no say in when or where you move.
Uprooting your family time and time again.
Constantly leaving friends and family members to move to another location.
Restarting your career or putting it on the backburner.
Spending birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, or celebrating births and mourning deaths without your spouse.
Parenting alone.
Shouldering the burdens of war.
Supporting and healing your spouse – who is suffering from the traumatic effects of war.
Military spouses have tremendous courage and commitment to their loved ones and to their country. Every day they make sacrifices to serve alongside and support their loved ones. Today is a day to honor them as they are just as important to this country as the loved ones they are away from.