Five Great Summer Activities That Teach Kids the Power of Giving Back
June 23, 2016

Schools out! If you’re scratching your head for summertime activities to do with your kids, we’ve got you covered. One of the best ways to teach children to honor our military and give back to the community is to get them involved early and often.
Soldiers’ Angels has many great opportunities to give back – some of which are kid friendly! While you can’t sign your child up to be a volunteer directly, you can sign yourself up and involve them in these great activities.
Sending Letters to Deployed Soldiers
Our deployed troops love receiving letters! Many of our Angels on the Soldiers’ Angels Letter Writing Team get their children involved in letter writing as well. Some children write their own letters and some send drawings to go along with the letters their parents send.
Letter writing is a lost art and a valuable skill to teach in this digital age we live in. Angels on this team are required to write as few as one letter a month but some write as many as 14 letters per week!
Click to find out more about the Letter Writing Team
Sending Care Packages to Deployed Soldiers
Our Deployed Adoptions Team is a great way to teach children the spirit of giving and to let their creativity soar! Signing up for the team means making a commitment to send your service member at least four letters and one care package a month until they return home. The Deployed Adoptions Team is made up of thousands of dedicated Angels who invest their own funds to support our service members.
Adopting a service member means you get to know their likes and dislikes so that you can send them treats and reminders of home. Our angels get very creative when it comes to care packages! It’s not just what’s inside the box either – sometimes the best part is decorating the inside of the box to match a theme. Some decorate in their service member’s favorite sports team. Some choose holiday themes – it’s all about creativity and adding a personal touch to each box.
More about the Deployed Adoptions Team here
Making Cards for Our Military and their Families
If you enjoy doing paper crafts with your children, the Soldiers’ Angels Cards Plus Team is a great one to join. This team is dedicated to supporting service members, their families, and even Angels with encouraging or celebratory cards and notes. Cards can be requested for
- Encouragement
- Birthday
- Thinking of you/Get well
- Anniversary
- New baby
- Welcome home
Many of our team angels make their own cards but it is not a requirement. Store-bought cards with nice notes inside are just as well received.
Learn more about the Cards Plus Team here
Making No Sew Blankets
No Sew Blankets are exactly how they sound: they require zero sewing! While this is an activity that will likely require supervision (scissors are involved) for your little ones, it is a fun and easy activity to do. Veterans and service members love receiving these blankets so much that we have an ongoing No Sew Blanket Drive!
Details on our No Sew Blanket Drive here
Baking for our Deployed Military
Baking is something many parents do with their children. It’s a great skill to pass on and a great way to spend time together. Our Angel Bakers bake home-baked goods for our deployed military heroes. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, rice crispy treats… they do it all!
Find out more about the Angel Bakers Team here
There’s no shortage of summertime activities here at Soldiers’ Angels! The best part is, these are all activities that can carry beyond the summertime and develop into family traditions that give back to our service members and veterans year-round!
We’d love for your family to join one of our teams to help us fulfill our vision: “May no soldier go unloved.”