Calling all Citizens! Soldiers’ Angels Has A New Mission For You
Your mission if you choose to accept it: Send Cards of Support for service members and veterans
March 27, 2020
As citizens across the U.S. remain stuck in their homes and the boredom has begun to set in. One of the best ways to fight the feeling of helplessness we are all feeling is by engaging in creative activities and giving back. Creativity keeps your mind fresh and giving back gives you a sense of purpose. Two things we could all use right about now. What better way to do that then to combine the two to help service members and Veterans.

Mission: Cards of Support
This week we decided to help Americans everywhere fight boredom and support our military. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to pick up a pen and greeting card and write a note of support for deployed Service Members and Veterans! These are trying times for all of us but especially for Service Members on the frontlines battling this war against the Coronavirus. Not to mention, they are thousands of miles away from their family members who may be facing their own Coronavirus challenges. This campaign is perfect for ANYONE! Maybe you have kids at home who need something to do, maybe you want an activity to engage employees while giving back, or maybe you, personally, are looking for some way to contribute.

Where will the cards go?
We will be including cards in care packages sent overseas to those who are facing fear for their own safety and for the safety and health of their families here at home. We will also be sharing the cards with Veterans in VA Hospitals and Veteran-focused assisted living facilities — all of which are currently not allowing any visitors. A greeting card would be the only way to provide a message of support during this period of isolation.
What type of cards should you send?
Any type of card will do! You can make them yourself, use blank cards, Thinking Of You, Thank You cards, or even funny or Just Because cards will work! Don’t have any cards lying around at home? Need supplies to make them? You don’t have to go out! Amazon has plenty of great cards that can be delivered right to your door!
After you write your cards, simply include $1 per car card and mail the cards to our headquarters in San Antonio. The $1 will go towards one of the many Soldiers’ Angels programs providing COVID-19 relief and support. Learn more about the growing list of COVID-19 support programs here.
Mail your cards and $1 per card to:
Soldiers’ Angels – Cards of Support
2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107
San Antonio, Texas 78218
What about possible COVID-19 transmission?
These cards have a long journey ahead of them after they leave your hands! It will take 3-5 days for the cards to reach our headquarters in San Antonio, another 5-7 days for them to be opened, sorted, and packed into care packages, and then an additional week to reach VA’s or Veteran-focused assisted living facilities, or two weeks+ for the care packages to reach their final destination. In other words, the germs will have plenty of time to die before reaching our Service Members and Veterans.
Let’s come together and send them all some hope, love, and well-wishes! Want to know more about the program? Check out our Cards of Support Page here.