Adopt-A-Family Holiday Program Expands
August 18, 2023
We’re excited to announce that our Adopt-A-Family program support is expanding to serve more Military-connected families. This year, we’re extending the application to Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserves! We are honored and excited to help more Military families have a happy Holiday season this year and beyond.

About the program
Adopt-A-Family connects Military and Veteran families with individuals, organizations, and businesses who “adopt” them for the Holiday season. Each “adopted” family will receive one gift (at a minimum) for each child under 18 and a grocery gift card to put towards a holiday meal. The program is meant to supplement your Holiday cheer and help make the season brighter (and easier) for parents in need.

Who Qualifies?
Applicants must fall into the following categories:
- Registered currently with Soldiers’ Angels for Deployed Support
- Deployment Orders showing deployment is through December 25, 2023
Not Deployed
Active Duty:
- Letter of necessity from Chaplain, Unit Leadership, or Military support agency
- Proof of Identity (Military ID, DD1172, recent DD214, recent Performance Evaluation)
National Guard or Reserves:
- Letter of necessity from Chaplain, Unit Leadership, or Military support agency
- Activation orders showing activation through December 25, 2023
Post 9/11 Wounded, Ill, or Injured:
- Proof of wound, illness, or injury (line of duty determination, Purple Heart, or VA disability rating of 10% or more). The VA disability letter needs to be dated in 2023
- DD214 – Member 4 copy or NGB Form 22 showing Honorable Discharge
- Letter from Case Manager stating that you are currently a Veteran in the HUD/VASH program, signed and dated within 30 days of application
Applicants must be able to submit the proper documentation and demonstrate need.
How to apply
Registration opens September 1 for all families. If you were previously supported through the Adopt-A-Family program, you will need to log into your account and click Adopt-A-Family. If you’ve never registered, head here to apply.