5 Activities During the COVID-19 Crisis
The world has stopped... or at least paused for an indefinite amount of time. What do you do to keep yourself busy? Many people were forced to enter quarantine or shelter-in-place with little to no warning. Soldiers' Angels has put together a list of activities you can do to stay busy while giving back to service members and veterans. Best of all, the activities use items most people already have around their house!
March 19, 2020
Schools are closed, events are canceled, and we’ve been ordered to practice “social distancing.” The situation is unprecedented– but don’t let your new-found extra time go to waste. Take some time to participate in one or more of the below ideas! No matter if you are a parent stuck at home with little ones, a caregiver of senior citizens, a manager trying to engage your employees, or just someone looking for a way to give back throughout the crisis, the below suggestions will give everyone a sense of purpose and pride during a time that is proving difficult for every person on the planet.
The best part about the below ideas… if you’re short on supplies, you don’t have to put your health at risk to get what you need– Amazon has items to get you started and will deliver to your door. Below each activity suggestion, we have also included links to our Amazon Idea Lists that include some fun products to help you, your family, and/or your employees get going on the activity without ever leaving your home.

Write Letters
Mail call overseas is a big deal for Service Members who could use a lift in spirits. Service Members love getting mail no matter who it’s from! Letter writing is a lost art form and the perfect activity for boosting communication skills.
Want to write letters? Join our Letter Writing Team and get into writing mode.
Check out our Letter Writing Supplies Idea List on Amazon!
Soldiers’ Angels also has some branded stationery products that make a great choice for writing to Service Members and helping them become aware of Soldiers’ Angels at the same time! Take a look at our notepads, pens, stickers, cards, and “Thank You For Your Service” cards here!
Make No-Sew Blankets
Nothing says I appreciate you like a warm, cozy blanket. Our Sewing & Crafting Team makes No-Sew Blankets all the time for deployed Service Members, Veteran patients, and military families who are expecting. We constantly get thank you notes from recipients who tell us how much they treasure the handmade gift they were given. No-Sew Blankets are easy to make and are a fun activity. Check out instructions here.
Check out our No-Sew Blanket Supplies Idea List on Amazon!
Bake Cookies or other treats
Baking is a time-honored family tradition. But who needs all that sugar around when you’re cooped up inside? Why not spend time baking and send it to Service Members who could use a taste of home? Our Angel Bakers Team supports Service Members by sending a monthly one-time care package of homemade goodies. Cookies, brownies, cakes, and other delicious treats are always a welcomed surprise.
Check out our Angel Baker Supplies Idea List on Amazon!
Don’t forget your Soldiers’ Angels apron before you start baking! You’ll be the envy of all the other Angel Bakers!! Women’s Apron Men’s Apron
Make Cards
The Cards Plus Team supports the military community and sometimes even our own angels. Whether it’s for birthdays, encouragement, anniversary, new baby, welcome home, or just a note to say thinking of you, cards go a long way in lifting spirits. They are also easy and fun to make! The Cards Plus Team joins forces with many other Soldiers’ Angels Teams to provide cards for Service Members, Post 9/11 wounded Veterans, and military families supported by these programs. Learn more here.
Check out our Card Making/Writing Supplies Idea List on Amazon!
Soldiers’ Angels branded stationery products available here.
Don’t Want to Join a Team? Check out Mission: Cards of Support
Stuck at home in self-quarantine or shelter-in-place orders? Don’t let boredom set in– pick up a pen and greeting card and write a note of support for deployed Service Members and Veterans! These are trying times and many of our Service Members are on the frontlines of battling this war against the Coronavirus. Not to mention, they are thousands of miles away from their family members who may be facing their own Coronavirus challenges. The cards will also be shared with Veterans in VA’s and Veteran-focused assisted living facilities — all of which are currently not allowing any visitors. A greeting card would be the only way to provide a message of support during this period of isolation. Let’s come together and send them all some hope, love, and well-wishes!
Any type of card will do– thank you, thinking of you, blank, or handmade– what’s important is that we share a message of support with those who continue to serve our country amid something as unexpected as a global pandemic.
After you write your cards, simply include $1 per car card and mail the cards to our headquarters in San Antonio. The cards will be included in care packages that are shipped to deployed Service Members around the world and will also be sent in bulk to VA’s and Veteran-focused assisted living facilities. The $1 will go towards one of the many Soldiers’ Angels programs providing COVID-19 relief and support. Learn more about the growing list of COVID-19 support programs here.
Don’t have any supplies at home? Amazon has cards, pens, and stamps– check out our idea list!
More details about Mission: Cards of Support here.
Mail your cards and $1 per card to:
Soldiers’ Angels – Cards of Support2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107 San Antonio, Texas 78218
These are all great activities that engage the young mind, inspire creativity, and can add a little busy work to a dull day. If you choose to order from Amazon, don’t forget to use smile.amazon.com – which is now available in the app as well as on desktop!