5 Great Ways to Get Involved
September 26, 2014

Want to get involved with something that gives back to those who serve our country? Join the team at Soldiers’ Angels and help us fulfill our mission of making sure no soldier goes unloved. We have a wide range of programs that provide all kinds of different support to soldiers and their families. Our expansive team of volunteers (who live across the country and even overseas) supports everything we do here at Soldiers’ Angels.
We have volunteers who serve in their local VA Hospitals, volunteers who send care packages, write letters, bake, make blankets, etc. If you would like to get involved, here are five great ways to get started!
1. Volunteer in a service area.
We have six service areas where volunteers work with VA Hospitals and organize events for veterans and military personnel locally. Our service areas are:
- Texas
- Georgia
- DC Metro (to include Washington, D.C., Virginia & Maryland)
- California
- Washington State
- Landstuhl, Germany
If you live in any of our service areas, start by filling out our volunteer interest form online and someone will contact you to talk about opportunities in your area.
2. Adopt a Soldier.
You can adopt a soldier by becoming a verified or team angel and then joining the “Adopt A Soldier” team. Once we verify that you are who you say you are and are cleared to become a team angel, a mentor will contact you to assign you a soldier. Angels who adopt soldiers are asked to commit to writing one letter per week and sending one care package per month.
If care packages aren’t your thing, but you would like to write letters, you can elect to join our Letter Writing Team. You may sign up for as many days in the week as you would like to write letters. On each day you sign up for, your assigned Letter Writing Team Leader will send you (via email) a new name and address to write to. You are only asked to send one card or letter to each address you receive, but, of course, may send more if you like.
To Adopt a Soldier, first sign up to be a verified angel.
Once you are verified, you will be given a username and password to our angel database where you can login and join the Adopt a Soldier team.
3. Provide support to spouses of fallen soldiers.
Our Living Legends Team provides one of the most delicate types of support: comforting the loved ones left behind when a warrior falls on the battlefield. Once a spouse of a fallen soldier registers with Soldiers’ Angels, they are contacted to find out what type of support they would like to receive. As a team member of living legends, you will be passed on such requests for support and also asked to send letters and cards.
To sign-up for our Living Legends team, first sign up to be a verified angel.
Once you are verified, you will be given a username and password to our angel database where you can login and join the Living Legends team.
4. Help throw virtual Baby Showers.
The Operation Top Knot team provides baby showers to military families to help ease the financial and emotional stress of everyday military life. This team assembles gift baskets of much-needed baby necessities like diapers, onesies, burp cloths, etc. They also knit, crochet, sew, quilt, and design blankets, booties, hats, onesies, bibs, and other homemade gifts. All of these goodies are collected and delivered to the expectant mother, and she receives a virtual baby shower.
To sign up for our Operation Top Knot team, you must first sign up to be a verified angel.
Once you are verified, you will be given a username and password to our angel database where you can log-in and join the Operation Top Knot team.
5. Love to bake?
Our Angel Baker team is a group who sends homemade baked goods to deployed soldiers. As an Angel Baker, you will make cookies, brownies, or any baked goods of your choosing and mail them to a soldier in need of a little extra love once a month. The primary focus of this group is to send our heroes a touch of home with homemade goodies.
To sign up for our Angel Bakers team, you must first sign up to be a verified angel.
Once you are verified, you will be given a username and password to our angel database where you can log in and join the Angel Bakers team.
We couldn’t do what we do for our heroes and their families without the support of our wonderful volunteers! We’d love for you to join the team! Visit our website for more information on all of our programs.