4 Ways to Celebrate MLK’s National Day of Service
January 13, 2017

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” – Dr. Martin Luther King
For many Americans, Martin Luther King Day is a extra day off to spend with family and friends. For us, and many others, the Martin Luther King Day of Service is a way to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community service. So how will you spend MLK Day? Here are some ideas that serve our veterans and troops.
Adopt a Service Member
We have 240 Heroes awaiting adoption who are serving overseas and would love to hear from someone back home. Many deployed men and women don’t hear from loved ones or family members while they’re deployed. They never get special treats or even letters from people back home. The goal of our Deployed Adoptions Team is to ensure that no service member feels alone throughout their deployment.
Trust us. They would love to hear from you!
Sign-up to Volunteer in a VA Hospital
We have teams in VA Hospitals across the country that would also love to hear from you! The Soldiers Angels Veteran Affairs Medical Center Support program assists patients at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers and supports Stand Downs. Our volunteers do things like organize luncheons and dinners, distribute hygiene kits, hand out blankets and visit patients.
Make a No Sew Blanket
One of the most well-received gifts is our No Sew Blankets. Deployed troops, VA Hospital patients and wounded heroes love receiving these handmade items! It gets chilly in a hospital bed. While you can ask your nurse for more blankets, nothing beats having your own personal blanket handmade by someone as a way to say thank you for your service. No Sew blankets are easy to make and are much appreciated.
If you’re interested in making No Sew Blankets to be given to veterans in the VA Hospitals we serve, please email Tammy at [email protected]
Click here for No Sew Blanket Instructions
Send a Care Package
Want something super simple to do? Send a care package to a deployed service member. You can order a “Care Package for Any Soldier” from our Angel Store! Here’s how it works: browse our store for the package you want, add it to your cart, and checkout. We’ll do the rest!
These are all great ways to honor Dr. King and our military on this National Day of Service. You could also contact your local VFW or any local charity to learn about opportunities to serve. The important thing is that you do something for others.