Angel Blog

Offering Community for MIlitary Caregivers

When a Service Member is Deployed, that Deployment and all of the ramifications impact more than the Service Member; it impacts their family as well. When a Service Member has to move from base to base, it affects that Service Member’s immediate family, who has to move with them. When a Service Member comes home from Deployment wounded (mentally or physically), it’s their family who is left to care for them.

Military families are just as important as Service Members because they often bear the brunt of the aftermath: frequent relocations, caring for children away from their spouse, or becoming caregivers in addition to being a spouse and a parent. This is why we extend our support to Military families, in addition to Veterans and Service Members.

Supporting Military Caregivers

Soldiers’ Angels Women of Valor program was created to support Military Caregivers. These caregivers can often get so lost caring for their spouses that they forget to care for themselves. They become isolated from the rest of the world while also taking on household and parental responsibilities. Our volunteers work to ensure Military Caregivers feel supported and have a community where they can connect to other caregivers.

Blessing Boxes

Our Angel volunteers send regular care packages to Military caregivers who are registered with us. These packages, called Blessing boxes, are different from care packages sent to Service Members. They include items meant to remind the recipient to take some time for self-care. Blessing box items vary, but they typically contain things like books (self-help, mental health, or inspirational), candles, spa items, and other personalized things depending on the caregiver’s interests. These boxes are like hugs, reminding the caregiver that they are not alone and pushing them to make some time for themselves.

“I truly appreciate Soldiers’ Angels. They have literally saved my life. When I saw no hope, then a box would come at the perfect time, and that was my sign to keep going.” – Kerry

In addition to Blessing Boxes, our Angels send cards for special occasions like Birthdays and Anniversaries. They also send letters with uplifting messages meant to remind the caregiver that she is loved. It is not uncommon for Angels and Caregivers to develop friendships through letter writing. While the friendships are virtual, the bonds and support are crucial. Here are some stories that show the power of friendship between caregivers and Angels.

“The cards that I’ve been receiving are changing my life in a very positive way. We often feel extremely forgotten. And it is very refreshing to see such kindness. Being a caregiver can be extremely difficult as I am very isolated. And I feel for my husband as he’s very isolated too. The cards are also changing him. He’s smiling more. It’s nice to see him have restored faith. I appreciate all of this. I appreciate all of the love.” – Kirby

Facebook Group

We have a private Facebook Group just for Military caregivers designed to connect with each other, share challenges and victories, and ask questions from our volunteer team. This group has been very active and supportive of each other, opening up lines of communication and making connections that would not have otherwise been possible.

“This group has been so amazing. I have learned so much and have felt so much love! I even forgot this month was my birthday until birthday cards have started coming in the mail(life of a caregiver plus a mom, right? Haha). Then tonight I was surprised by an email with a gift card in it!(thank you Patricia!) plus a very sweet email from another Angel. This page is truly a blessing and I’m forever grateful to be a part of it. Especially coming from a community that does not have a lot of caregiver/Military support. It means the world.”


When it comes to supporting caregivers, anything that makes a hectic life easier is a win. Taking care of a wounded spouse or loved one is very demanding and can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Due to their busy schedules, caregivers are not always able to go to a counselor or doctor, which is why we partnered with MDLive to make mental health and medical services more accessible.

Our caregivers can set up appointments online using either a computer, tablet, or phone. MDLIVE’s behavioral health services offer licensed therapists to help with anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar, stress management, relationship issues, and more. Medical appointments include visits with a doctor relating to non-emergency conditions like common cold, allergies, headache, sore throat, fever, flu, etc. Soldiers’ Angels funds these services at no cost to caregivers registered for our Women of Valor Program

“Tonight is just another fine example of why I’m so grateful we have MD Live. Last night I was playing with our new puppy who’s a Great Pyrenees mix, and my finger got caught on his collar and ripped a hangnail out of my finger. Didn’t think anything of it. All day today I’ve suffered from pain and swelling, and then the hot to touch came. Got an appointment set up. 20min later, I’ve got meds for a skin infection in my finger. Saving me a trip to the ER! THIS is one of many times MDLive has helped me in a tight spot with my health, and I’m ever grateful for it.” – Becky

We are proud to offer these important support services and beloved community to Military caregivers through our Women of Valor program and are so grateful for the Angel Volunteers who go above and beyond.