What Does the 4th of July Mean to You?
July 8, 2016

We just celebrated America’s 240th Birthday. For many Americans that meant spending time with family, firing up the grill, and lighting up the sky with fireworks. For other Americans, it meant reflecting on our Nation’s history, remembering time served in our military, or thinking of loved ones who are currently serving.
Independence Day means many things to people – it all depends on who you ask. So, we asked our Angel Team Leaders what it means to them. Here’s what they had to say.
Ginger Vukas – Ladies of Liberty Team Leader
July Fourth is important to me because it recognizes our forefathers who fought tyranny for their freedom. Freedom is a value that I treasure and appreciate each day. Freedom empowers each of us and enables me to live a life committed to being the best person that I can be.
Renée Cheatham – Sewing and Crafting Team Leader
The 4th of July means time with family, hamburgers, water hoses and swimming pools. Like so many other holidays the real meaning has become blurred. Independence Day to me means freedom from tyranny and the freedom to worship and live as we desired. The gift of being truly free!
Hannah Emmett – Living Legends Team Leader
To me, the Fourth of July is a celebration of everything that America is – independence, freedom, families, and service! The day that we give thanks to the service men and women who sacrifice everything to allow us to continue to be the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave!
Debbie Stump – Letter Writing Team Leader
To me the Fourth of July means families come together to celebrate our Independence and freedom as Americans. Barbeque’s are nice but the true meaning is America’s birthday. It’s also a time to reflect on all those who paved the way to make our country great. Many fell in order to give us an opportunity to live the way we choose and to live in freedom.
Kaleena Gharky – Chaplain Support Team Leader
July 4th is more than a day for picnics or fireworks. It’s a day to celebrate our freedom and to be thankful because we are free to enjoy the everyday luxuries we have without the ugly some countries have to face. God Bless the USA!
Jerry Mott – Cards Plus Team Leader
The 4th of July is important to me because it is the celebration of independence for our great nation. Our independence – what a great phrase. Independence and freedom given to us, and kept for us, by our amazing military, past and present. Doesn’t get any better than that!
Julie Etzler – Angel Bakers Team Leader
To me the 4th of July is a day celebration and day of gratitude. We get to celebrate the freedoms that were fought for so many years ago that we have today. But we also reflect back on those lives that were lost and are still being sacrificed for us today.
Pat Fried – Special Operation Forces Team Leader
Freedom for All
Open Heart, Open Mind
Unfailing Courage
Respect & Responsibility
The Land of the Free-Home of the Brave
Honor & Loyalty
Opportunities to All
Free to Speak of What We Feel
Joined Hands
United States of America
Liberty & Justice for All
Yours, Mine & Always Ours
What does the 4th of July mean to you?