Love to bake? The Soldiers’ Angels Angel Bakers Team is for you! Bake for deployed troops and send them a taste of home.
Volunteer to bake for deployed service members and send care packages filled with homemade cookies, brownies, cakes, and other delicious treats to service members around the world through the Soldiers’ Angels Angel Bakers Virtual Team!
Although most of our volunteers are individuals, bakeries or other food businesses are also welcome to join the Angel Baker Team.
Angel Volunteer Commitment
Joining a virtual volunteer team through Soldiers’ Angels is a fun and rewarding commitment! Here’s what you’ll have to do as a part of the Angel Bakers Team:
- Send one care package of baked goods every 30 days
- Support at least one service member every 30 days
- Report the support you provided via our database

Volunteer to Bake for Deployed Troops
How It Works:
Step 1: Click Join Now and complete the volunteer registration form as a ‘Team Angel.’ (Bakeries or other food businesses should also select ‘Team Angel.’) You will be required to donate a small fee of just $1 per month. Learn why here.
Step 2: After you’re approved, log into our database: Angel Base Camp. Click “Search Opportunities” and select an opportunity you would like to support.
Step 3: Based on information in your selected opportunity, bake treats (allergens are notated in the opportunity), prepare the care package*, and mail to your service member.
Step 4: Report the support you provided in Angel Base Camp and find another opportunity to support!

*Don’t worry! If filling the entire care package with homemade baked goods sounds intimidating, you can also supplement your package with store-bought bakery items or healthy snacks! Also, there is no required size of box that you need to use.

We’re Here to Help!
After you join, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Team Leader with questions! You’ll also be invited to join an exclusive Facebook Group and connect with other Team Angels on your team.
Baking not your thing? Check out our other volunteer opportunities. If you a service member or veteran looking to register for one of our services, click Get Support now.