Treating our Troops this Halloween
September 21, 2018

The air is getting cooler and crisper, the leaves are starting to change, and the Halloween decor is creeping out. It’s time to prepare for the spookiest of seasons! Halloween means costumes and candy and you know who loves candy – besides your kids? Our troops!
Little treats from home are always a welcomed surprise while on deployment, and Halloween time is no different. That’s why each year do a collection drive called Treats for Troops. Because, do you REALLY need all that candy you’re going to end up with? More importantly, do you children really need to consume all that sugar? Why not share it with our heroes?
How it works 
Each year, around this time, we partner with local businesses (and a lot of dentist offices) to collect candy that we will send off to deployed troops. The business agrees to accept donations of Halloween candy during a specific time period, and then they mail the candy to our corporate office.
How to Donate Candy
As a family, you can head to our website to find the closest drop-off location where you can unload all of your excess candy. Don’t see one in driving distance? Send us an email to [email protected] and we’ll provide you with an address near you (or as near as possible!) where you can ship your candy. You can also urge your favorite local business to sign-up as a drop-off location.
How to Sign-up as a Drop Off Location
As a business, you can register to be a drop-off location here. Not only will you be serving your community and troops, this program brings foot traffic to your door! You can also get creative with it by running buyback promotions for families. Common buyback prizes include: toothbrushes and toothpaste, healthy snacks, coloring books and crayons, stickers, or cash – whatever you’re willing to give. This is a fun way to give back while creating some buzz for your business so get creative!
Once you’ve registered your business, set-up a collection bin, promote your collection drive, and then mail the candy to us once the collection period is over.
Last year we collected 15,467 pounds of candy, this year our goal is to collect 17,000 pounds. Want to help us? Learn more here.