Wolski Dental Group

The Waters Dental Group of Sandwich has a new name, Wolski Dental Group and we are hosting the 14th Annual Halloween Candy Buy Back Program. Dr. Joe and Dr. Alli Wolski will pay $1/pound up to $5 maximum because we know the damaging effects of too much candy on anyone’s teeth. In leading this anti-decay movement every year, kids of all ages can still have all of the fun of trick-or-treating but also have the opportunity to treat the troops.

Visit Wolski Dental Group at 420 East Church Street in Sandwich, Monday through Thursday, (during normal business hours) and drop off your candy donations to the front office November 1st through 10th only. We will have our annual Candy Buy Back event on Monday, November 7th 3:00-6:00pm to buy the candy back, any drop offs outside this event will be a donation.

All candy, including chocolate, will be shipped to the troops with the help of Soliders’ Angels. Healthy mouths lead to healthy bodies. We also invite everyone to bring your own coloring pages or write a note to include inside the care packages that are sent to the men and women serving our country. This is huge, every year we get return letters of appreciation, the candy is a plus but the pictures and the letters are warm and fuzzy reminding the troops of home. (Include your name and address and you might just receive a return letter!)

Thank You in advance for your generosity in helping us continue to make this wonderful project a huge success. For additional information please call (815) 786-2146 or check us out on Facebook.