‘Tis the Season to Support Our Troops
November 27, 2014

For many people the holidays are full of joy and laughter. You spend time with family and friends, overindulge in the decadence of comfort foods and Christmas cookies and give and receive presents on Christmas Day.
This isn’t what it’s like for everyone though. For many veterans, military families, and deployed soldiers, Christmas time is a tough time of year. So many of our soldiers are away from their families, and many of their families are struggling. Military families usually live on a very tight budget, so putting together a Christmas or other winter holiday celebration can be a real challenge.
Don’t forget those who sacrifice and serve for us this holiday season. Here are some great ways to support veterans, soldiers and their families.
The Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-a-Family program for deployed soldiers or post 9-11 wounded veterans and their families. Adopting a family program means that you will purchase a gift card for dinner supplies and one present for each of the kids.
To adopt a family this Christmas, you will first need to become a verified angel (click here). Once you have been verified you will be assigned a family.
If you can’t adopt a military family by yourself, consider teaming up with another family or organizing your church, workplace or community group to adopt. Adopting a military family is a great way to give back and say thank you for their sacrifice.
Click here for more about the Adopt-a-Family program.
Make a Donation
The Lia Show and Soldiers’ Angels have teamed up this holiday season to support military families and veterans. If you cannot adopt a family, making a small donation is a great way to ensure our heroes and their families have a better Christmas.
All of the donations we collect through this effort will be used to buy holiday gifts and food for the families of active duty military and veterans.
Even if it’s $1 – it will help! Donate here.
Send a Care Package
Want to send some holiday cheer to a Soldier deployed overseas? You can do just that by purchasing a care package for a Soldier through our website. Your care package will be assembled and sent to a Soldier who has requested support and is deployed overseas.
It’s a great and easy way to send some love and show your appreciation.
Click to learn more about our care packages
Do Some Shopping
Thanks to the Amazon Smile program, when you shop through Amazon using our special link, they will donate .5% of your total purchase to Soldiers’ Angels! That means all you have to do to help us raise money for the programs we run that support our troops is to shop through Amazon!
Pretty cool right?
Bookmark this link and use it next time you shop on Amazon: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-0583415
These are not the only ways you can give back to the troops of course, but we think they’re great ideas! You could also join one of our many teams by becoming a verified angel. We do lots of great things over the holidays and throughout the year and most of our volunteers are virtual! Find out more about becoming a verified angel here.