Three Ways to Get Your Children Involved
October 31, 2014

Giving back to the men and women who serve this country and showing your support is something every American should do. As a parent, teacher or even family member to a child, teaching them about honoring our military heroes and showing them how to give back is a valuable lesson.
Soldiers’ Angels has lots of great programs that give back to our military. Here are three that are kid friendly!
Write Letters or Send Care Packages
For many soldiers, receiving letters and care packages is what keeps them going. It’s even better when you include thank you notes or items from your children. We’ve heard so many stories from soldiers who received care packages with a child’s favorite toy or blanket. They truly cherish those and sometimes keep the item or items with them throughout their deployment.
Involving your children is easy – just include a letter or an item in with one that you prepare. You will first need to become a verified angel. From there, you can choose to join either the Letter Writing Team or the Adopt-a-Soldier Team.
More on the Letter Writing Team
More on the Adopt-a-Soldier Program
Make Cards for the Cards Plus Team
Does your family love paper crafts? Gather them together and make cards for soldiers overseas. Our Cards Plus team sends Birthday cards, Thinking of you cards, Get Well Cards, Anniversary Cards, New Baby cards, Welcome Home cards or even cards just for encouragement.
You can purchase cards to sign and send or make them together as a family.
More on the Cards Plus Team
Make No Sew Blankets
Another great activity that kids generally enjoy is making No Sew Blankets. No Sew blankets are made with fleece and have knots all around the edges. These blankets are easy to make and much appreciated when they are received.
To get involved, you will need to become a verified angel and then join the Sewing and Crafting Team.
More on the Sewing and Crafting Team
It’s easy and fun to get your children or your whole family involved, and give back to our troops overseas.