Random Things We’re Thankful For
November 27, 2024

‘Tis the season to be thankful! At Soldiers’ Angels, we’re thankful every single day for the sacrifices of our Service Members and Veterans. We’re thankful for the many Angels, donors, and supporters who ensure our work continues, and we’re so grateful to have an amazing team who goes above and beyond in service of the Military-connected community.
This year, we decided to give our Thanksgiving blog post a fun twist. We asked our team to think back on the year and share some non-traditional – maybe even random things they are thankful for. Here’s what they had to say.
Thankful to NOT be near a body of water
John Harris, our Director of Field Operations – East, is thankful that the Soldiers’ Angels office in Atlanta is not near water… “So I won’t have to worry about dropping the van keys in the water.”
“I think it was last year when we all visited headquarters in San Antonio. We went somewhere that we could canoe or something like that. I rode with Susie. When we got there, she gave me the keys to hold since she was going out on the water and didn’t want the keys to get wet. While she was out, I decided to go wade in the water with Amy and Venesa. I forgot I had the car keys in my pocket until I realized that my pocket had become submerged in the water (only slightly submerged). When I realized it, I quickly got out of the water and took the keys out of my pocket, sat them in the sun, and prayed from the deepest parts of my being that when it was time to go, the remote would work. Susie came back, and of course, like any brat brother, I didn’t say anything to her about it. At least not until after the keys dried and worked and we got back to the hotel.”

Thankful for volunteers who will endure the weather
Gina Manke-Zink in Denver is thankful for the incredible volunteers who brave Denver’s weather rollercoaster at our Military & Veteran Food Distribution (MVFD) events.
“Whether it’s a blazing 100+ degree day, a surprise windstorm that turns our tents into flying saucers, or a winter storm that makes us question our life choices, their dedication is as solid as the Veterans we serve.”
The surprise Denver windstorm Gina is referring to was quite the ordeal! Not only was it incredibly hot that day, but the lift and jack for the truck broke, and the tents had to be held down by volunteers. In a matter of seconds, we lost two tents, someone got hit by a tent (they were ok), and a back windshield was busted. They got through it, though! And most importantly, Denver Veterans and Service Members received the food and support they needed.

Thankful for the weather in Dallas
Thom Straley, Dallas Area Director, is very thankful he doesn’t live in Denver!
“I am thankful that our coldest Military & Veteran Foof Distribution was 45 and not 05 like Denver! I am thankful that Dallas has never had to distribute food in the rain/snow!”

Thankful for a partner in crime
Michelle Julazadeh Chavarin, our VP of Marketing and Communications, is thankful to have Marketing Manager Adrian Martinez who not only keeps the Marketing Team well-managed but who is also an ever-willing participant in whatever crazy idea is dreamed up around the office.
“It got pretty lonely being the one to come up with the ideas, figure out how make them happen, hold the camera, be in the picture, and make it all look good…often while I was simultaneously in a leadership meeting, answering Facebook messages, and sending fundraising appeals. This was an even bigger challenge given all of our notoriously ridiculous shenanigans around the office. But now, with such a willing partner in crime, Adrian and I are able to pull off twice the amount of shenanigans and make them look 100 times better! Thanks, Adrian for always being up for any challenge…even if it means being beat up by a professional wrestler!”

Thankful for the lack of safety patrol violations
“I am thankful safety patrol has put her ticket book away and has not given me any more citations.”
Our CEO, Amy Palmer, gets herself into trouble a lot (good trouble, that is). Our Veteran Intern, Ayauna, is a self-appointed safety patrol in the office. She has a “ticket book” and likes to go around citing people for random violations around the office. Amy has racked up quite a few in the past but, recently, has somehow gotten by unscathed.
Thankful for her self-appointed position
As we established in the above thankfulness, we have a self-appointed safety patrol. Ayauna Barnes, our Veteran Intern, is very thankful for the position she created – one where she cannot get fired.
“I’m extremely grateful for my **(Self-Appointed)** positions of Safety Patrol and El-Low-Em-En-Oh-Pea (LMNOP) here at HQ. I receive a stipend as an intern, but in the titles named above, I can’t be fired. If I am, I can make up a new position since there are 21 remaining letters in the English alphabet. If I run out of those, there are 24 Greek letters (#sorority). Also, I’m paid in glitter, donuts, stickers, crafts, and even a “new office”! (By office, I mean a small corner of our CEO’s office that lies beyond Platform 9 ¾.)
Perks: She never sees me because she’s always physically doing multiple CEO things, but when she does turn around while signing letters and giving Ted Talks simultaneously, she feels the IKEA vibe! We agreed that if they can create a living room the size of our bathroom, and make it comfortable for a family of five, why not create a five-star suite with a flamingo? It’s truly a blessing we should all be thankful for.”
Thankful for a pet-friendly office
“I’m thankful for a job that lets me bring my cat to work. And that the office is so pet friendly.”
Nancy Marshall, our Administrative Assistant, is the mother of the famous Nico, our newly appointed Office Cat PAW-sident! She also shares the responsibility of caring for our #OG office cat, Roo, who lives at the office full time. We love Roo and Nico (okay, apparently more people like Nico than Roo, but who’s counting?)! These lovable cats bring warmth and charm to our office, creating a cozy, home-like atmosphere we all cherish. 🐾

Thankful for pups and extra space
Speaking of pet-friendly, you would never know it if you came to visit our office, but we also have an office dog who joins us 9-5 every day! Wizard keeps to himself and keeps his mama stress-free during even the busiest season! Marissa Castro, our Sr. Director of Gifts In-Kind and Logistics, had this to say:
“I am thankful for an extra warehouse during the holidays. We just have too much stuff for our regular warehouse and I do not know what we would do without the extra space down the way. I am also thankful that I can bring my little doggo to work. He has separation anxiety (OK, so do I), so bringing him with me helps to reduce stress and bond with my favorite hairy person.”

Thankful for weighing candy instead of counting it
We’re VERY precise when it comes to reporting to ensure every single item is accounted for and our impact numbers are accurate. But when it comes to Halloween candy, we report by weight. Vicki Sarracino, our Vice President of Programs, is very thankful for that!
“I’m thankful I don’t have to personally count every single piece of candy from the Treats for Troops collection… I’d be here until next Halloween!”

Thankful for our team
We’re thankful that our team is fun-loving and willing to put up with all of our pranks and other shenanigans! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!