Military Appreciation Month
April 17, 2023
Here at Soldiers’ Angels, we share appreciation with our military every day of the year! But we are always looking forward to May when there are even more reasons and opportunities to share our gratitude with Service Members, past and present.
How to Show Your Appreciation
Every year around April, we get numerous calls and emails asking if we need help showing appreciation to the military community during Military Appreciation Month— and our answer is a resounding “yes!”— with the caveat that we could use help showing that support all year long— not just in May.
Give a Gift
One of the fastest and easiest ways you can help is by making a donation to Soldiers’ Angels. Your support through a financial donation will allow us to provide support where it is needed most in that moment. Even better, become a recurring donor and make your support last throughout the entire year!

Matching Gifts
Already planning to make a donation? Why not see if your company will match your donation! You can double your impact through a quick an easy search. Many companies match donations 1 to 1!

Give Your Time
Volunteers are the beating heart of Soldiers’ Angels. Because of their commitment to the military and veteran communities, Soldiers’ Angels is able to impact nearly 1 Million Service Members, Veterans, and Military family members each and every year. With virtual and in-person opportunities, there is something for everyone!

Recognize Military Holidays
In addition to supporting the military through the gift of time or money, it’s important to observe and recognize the military holidays that honor those who have served, past and present. It just so happens that many of those military holidays fall within National Military Appreciation Month! Here is a detailed overview of some important May holidays to add to your calendar.
Month of the Military Caregiver
Throughout the entire month of May, we recognize Month of the Military Caregiver to honor over five million caregivers in the US who support our nation’s wounded, ill, and injured Service Members and Veterans. It’s vital to acknowledge the service of these unsung heroes, who provide assistance to more than two million Veterans.
Silver Star Banner Day (May 1)
Americans honor the sacrifices of the combat-wounded, ill, and dying service members on Silver Star Service Banner Day. The day also recognizes service members awarded the Silver Star Medal. This year it falls on Monday, May 1st, 2023.
Nurses Week (First full week in May)
Nurses— both military and civilian— are a crucial part of any health system. National Nurses Week honors their contributions and sacrifices and reminds us to thank the medical professionals who keep us healthy. It is celebrated between May 6, National Nurses Day, and May 12, the birthdate of celebrated nurse Florence Nightingale. Be sure to thank your favorite Nurse or Military Nurse for all that they do for us! This year it falls from Saturday, May 6 – Friday, May 12, 2023.
Public Service Recognition Week (First full week in May)
This special week honors the people who deliver public service to us which in turn allows us to carry out our normal everyday activities. With services ranging from public transportation to emergency services, to military service, it’s thanks to individuals in public service roles that we are able to live life the way we do. This year it falls from Sunday, May 7th – Saturday, May 13th, 2023.
Victory in Europe Day (May 8th)
On May 8, 1945— now known as Victory in Europe Day or V-E Day— Germany unconditionally surrendered its military forces to the Allies, including the United States. This year it falls on Monday, May 8th, 2023.
Military Spouse Appreciation Day (the Friday before Mother’s Day)
America’s military spouses are the backbone of this country. They are tasked with being the support system for our nation’s heroes, sometimes serving as single parents while their partners are deployed, and taking care of them when they return home. This year it falls on Friday, May 12th, 2023.
Mother’s Day (second Sunday in May)
While Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate Moms, don’t forget to honor and thank those moms who are away from their families during deployment. This year it falls on Sunday, May 14th, 2023.
Armed Forces Day (third Saturday in May)
Not to be confused with Veterans Day or Memorial Day, this day is set aside to celebrate those who are currently serving across all branches of the military. Thank a military person today for their service! They sacrifice so much for us. This year it falls on Saturday, May 20th, 2023.
Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
Memorial Day is a national day of remembrance set aside each year to honor those who have fallen fighting for this country. Every Memorial Day, the flag is raised and then lowered to half-mast to honor the fallen U.S. soldiers who have died for our country. At noon on Memorial Day, the flag is raised again to full height. Re-raising the flag is meant to symbolize the resolve of the living to carry on the fight for freedom so that the nation’s heroes will not have died in vain. This year it falls on Monday, May 29th, 2023.
Honoring our military personnel, past or present, as well as their families, is something that should be done by every person who enjoys the liberties and freedoms we have as Americans.