Meet Trung: A High School Angel Superstar
July 20, 2017

Last year, Soldiers’ Angels was honored to have an amazing exchange student from Vietnam volunteer with us. During his stay in Florida, Trung Nguyen, a junior in High School, decided that free time was unnecessary (yep, a teenager said that!).
“It was a busy year, as I was an exchange student. However, I learned to realize leisure time is unnecessary time; therefore, cutting them off and replacing with VA’s work is more interesting and beneficial,” said Trung in an email.
Trung joined us in the spring and has done excellent research of community contacts, populated much of our contact lists, and drafted many luncheon letters for our new Orlando team. He got a chance to practice his communication skills and to apply things he learned in school to real life situations.
“I am proud to say I have learned a lot from the period of nearly 4 months volunteering for VA with your wonderful guidance. It’s countless, but to point out some things: time management, MS Excel/Word, and communication skills… With MS Excel/Word, it’s undoubtedly a new experience for me, as I have never had a chance to apply classroom knowledge into a practical application.”
He has been diligent and eager to serve and we are really going to miss having him as a volunteer. He was a full time high school student during this time but still found time to serve for almost 50 hours.
That won’t be the last we see of Trung! He will come back to the U.S. for his senior year, this time in Missouri and has asked if he could keep working on the team. Of course, we said yes! We love seeing young people get involved and can’t wait for him to return.
Here is his note telling us of his pending departure.
“I really appreciate your help during the time and also for your great guidance! I will miss the job a lot.
Best regards,
Trung Nguyen”
Trung is truly an Angel Superstar! It is great to know we have someone who has the passion to want to help while here from another country.