Meet Our VA Program Manager: Leslie Scott
February 25, 2016

Soldiers’ Angels is one of the few nonprofit agencies approved to work within VA Hospitals and Medical Centers. Being able to serve a growing veteran population is one of Soldiers’ Angels greatest opportunities. Thanks to our VA Program Manager, Leslie Scott, Soldiers’ Angels staff and volunteers are able to coordinate events and activities, organize corporate partner participation, visit patients and approve volunteers to join the VA support program.
Our services include things like patient visits, luncheons, dinners, box lunches, Stand Down support, Break Room stocking, and Wish List Fullfillment. All these things could not be possible without someone overseeing our volunteers and events. That person is Leslie Scott.
Here’s a look at Leslie and what she does for Soldiers’ Angels.
VA Program Manager (Supporting of all Soldiers’ Angels VA Reps that do not have a Service Area Director or Manager)
How did you get involved with Soldiers’ Angels?
I started with SA in November of 2006 when my husband was serving on Active Duty. Since then I’ve held various positions to include: Adoptions Team Leader, Letter Writing Team Leader, Deployed Support Team Program Manager, and now VA Program Manager
Why is the support Soldiers’ Angels provides so important?
Our service members, Veterans and their families expect to hear and receive encouragement from those closest to them, but it’s also crucial for them to hear those same things from those outside that inner circle. They sacrifice for EVERYONE, not just those closest to them so it really re-enforces to them that the hardships are worth it to hear it from an unexpected source.
What’s one word that describes the organization?
Did you serve or has anyone in your family served?
I was unable to serve to do my physical disability, however, my husband served for 17 years, Our first 5 years of married life was spent as an active duty family.
What is one of your favorite moments as a volunteer for Soldiers’ Angels?
There are so many! I think the most profound for me was last year, after supporting a soldier through a VERY rough deployment, he got home and called me out of the blue, just to tell me that would always be grateful to me for everything. He told me that he had thought about giving up a lot and that my e-mails, letters and packages no matter how small kept him going.
To this day he’s like a member of our family.
What do you have planned in the future for the VA Hospitals you serve?
I’m hoping to help add some VA Reps here in my home state of Pennsylvania as well as to continue to help the overall VA Program grow. There’s a lot of great work to be done but, we have an amazing team with huge hearts. They say it takes a Village to make things happen, I personally think we have a pretty awesome Village!
Interested in learning more about our VA Support Program? Click here.