Holiday Care Packages on Their Way to Deployed… But we need more!
November 19, 2022
Can you imagine being deployed during the holiday season? Being away from family, friends, and holiday traditions can all add up to make the holidays one of the most difficult times to be away on deployment. As many of our current and former service members will attest, morale can be at its lowest during this time of year.

Here at Soldiers’ Angels, we hope to have a positive impact on that morale at least a little bit and ensure we’re sending the holiday spirit directly to the hands and hearts of our deployed men and women. Our Angel volunteers have all been very busy creating and packing beautiful and thoughtful holiday care packages for the deployed service members they support!
Scroll through the album below to see just a few of the many festive 2022 Holiday Care Packages and Treats that are enroute to service members around the world.
But, even with their incredible support… Soldiers’ Angels currently has more deployed service members registered for support than ever before!! A recent surge in registrations has meant that we have more service members waiting for adoption than angels that can support them. We need more angels AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to ensure that No Soldier Goes Unloved this holiday season.
Can you help by joining Soldiers’ Angels as a virtual volunteer on the Deployed Adoptions Team and adopting one or more deployed service members? You will send them care packages and letters for the length of their deployment. Here’s the scoop:
Team Requirements:
• Send a minimum of one care package every 30 days for the length of deployment
• Send two cards or letters every 30 days for the length of deployment
• Support a minimum of one service member every 30 days
• Report the support you provided via our database
How to Join:
- Click the Register Now Button
- Select “Team Angel” and complete your profile
- On Step 2, select Deployed Adoptions Team
If you’re not interested in sending care packages but may want to join a different virtual volunteer team, click here to learn more now!