“Just wanted to pass on a note of appreciation for all the great work you do for us. I’m here at the LRMC Wounded Warrior unit, with my SA flannel blanket and pillow case. Makes my bed my own! I have to tell you, the first few days I was here, there wasn’t a pillowcase to be found, problem with the linen service. Thankfully, the SA pillow cases arrived, and were all snatched up that day.” – Wounded Warrior
Who We Are and What We Do
The Soldiers’ Angels Sewing and Crafting Team provides lovingly created handmade pieces of comfort and support to veterans, deployed service members and their families. Whether a Team Angel is an expert seamstress or a casual hobbyist, there is an opportunity to meet the needs of our troops on the Sewing and Crafting Team. Many Sewing and Crafting Team Angels rely on their personal talents and skill sets to knit, sew, crochet and quilt their gifts of support. For those less experienced, no-sew blankets provide an opportunity to become more involved. These handmade items are then distributed within the military community to active duty service members, expectant military families and in VA hospitals around the country.
How You Can Help
To join Soldiers’ Angels and participate in the Sewing and Crafting Team click here to get started! If you’re already an Angel, log in to your Angel account and join the team.
If you need more information, please use the contact form on this page.
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