Day For The Brave
November 5, 2015

Veterans Day is November 11th and Soldiers’ Angels is participating in a great campaign to honor Veterans and raise money for our ongoing causes. The campaign is called Day for the Brave – a day to bring together nonprofits and individuals around the country to give back to support our nation’s veterans.
Here at Soldiers’ Angels, we honor our Veterans in every way that we can. Veterans Day is a special day for us – it’s a day to honor those who have served. Our mission is to ensure No Soldier Goes Unloved. That includes our Veterans.
We’re so excited to be participating in the #DayForTheBrave campaign as it’s an easy way for anyone to give back by donating funds to an organization who helps Veterans.
We encourage you to give back this Veterans Day through our page on Day For The Brave. Below are some of our sample donation levels– but you can give as much or as little as you can. The minimum donation amount for Day for the Brave is just $10.
Box Lunch for a Homeless Veteran: $15
This is the average amount it costs Soldiers’ Angels to purchase, pack and distribute a box lunch to a homeless veteran. The Box Lunch includes several nonperishable food items, a bottle of water, a utensil kit, and hand wipes. The lunches are distributed to homeless veterans at VA Stand Downs.
Hygiene Kit for a Homeless Veteran: $15
This is the average amount it costs Soldiers’ Angels to purchase, pack and distribute a Hygiene Kit to a homeless veteran. The Hygiene Kit includes several different hygiene items such as shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, and more. The kits are distributed to homeless veterans at VA Stand Downs.
Care Package for a Deployed Service Member: $35
This is the average amount it costs Soldiers’ Angels to purchase, pack, and send a Care Package to a deployed service member. The Care Packages contain a wide variety of items that will remind the service member of home such as snacks, cookies/candy, coffee, books & magazines, hygiene items, cards, letters, and more.
Holiday Gifts and Holiday Meal for a Military Family: $75
This is the average amount it costs Soldiers’ Angels to purchase holiday gifts for the children of a military family and provide a gift card for a holiday meal for the family. Through our Holiday Adopt-A-Family program, Soldiers’ Angels is able to give back to many military families at a time that may normally be financially challenging for them.
Laptop for a Wounded Warrior: $800
This is the average amount it costs Soldiers’ Angels to purchase a voice-controlled/adaptive laptop computer and other necessary technology to support veterans recovering from severe injuries. Through our Valor IT Program, Soldiers’ Angels provides voice-controlled computers to allow these wounded warriors to maintain some independence and stay connected with family, friends, and battle buddies.
Visit our Day for the Brave page and help us give back to our Veterans.