An Award Winning Collection Drive
May 2, 2023
A couple of months ago, our Detroit Area Director, Elise Larkin, received a call from a High School student who stated she had items to donate to deployed service members. Camryn Comstock and her sister Alyson are High Schoolers at Prairie Farm High School in Prairie Farm, Wisconsin, and were on a mission to give back. They started a community service project to benefit military families/deployed service members, collecting needed supplies.

“With the suggestion of one of their FCCLA (Family Career Community Leaders of America) advisers, they accessed online and learned of your mission and needs. The two high school students contacted local business owners in the area and set out collection boxes in each location. They made posters that contained needed items, and the community did the rest! The girls collected 1604 items at the local drop sites. The project also received large monetary donations from the Prairie Farm Lions Club, the Ridgeland Auxiliary Unit #511, and other community members. The final collection was 1853 items for Soldiers’ Angels to use to support deployed military service men and women. The impact of this small town effort truly turned into a national outreach and service project. Thank you, Elise, for making Soldiers’ Angels accessible to us! What a wonderful organization to work with!” – Beth Comstock, their mother.
As soon as Camryn and Alyson had the items collected, they reached out to Elise to coordinate drop-off. Together with their parents, they packed up their truck (and a U-Haul) and drove it over to us in Detroit. On their way, they won their State Service Competition Award, and their project has made them National qualifiers for FCCLA!
Ready to start your own Collection Drive and provide support to Service Members, Veterans, and their families?
Click through to learn more about the great ways you can support the military and veteran community through Soldiers’ Angels.
We are blown away by the dedication of these two High School leaders! The supplies will go towards our Go Camo Collection Drive, adding to the weight of our 20,000 lb goal. Collection Drives are a great way to engage your community while giving back. Want in? Help us reach our goal of collecting 20,000 pounds of care package supplies by June 30. Learn more here.
Here’s a video of them talking about their collection.