Adopting A Family Through Soldiers’ Angels
October 5, 2018

Each year, we receive thousands of requests from families who could use a little help (and cheer) for the holidays. There are a lot of military families who live paycheck to paycheck, are at risk of homelessness, or are just struggling financially due to illness or injury. Our military families should not have to worry about the holidays on top of worrying about providing for their family.
That’s why each year we run an Adopt-A-Family program to bring a little bit of holiday cheer and relief to our military families. We’ve already been receiving applications from families and will be opening the adoptions soon!
What does “adopt” mean? 
Military and veteran families sign up to be “adopted” by our Angel volunteers and business sponsors. Once adopted, the children in the family (under 18 years of age) receive gifts from their wish lists, and the family receives a grocery gift card to help purchase a holiday dinner and trimmings.
This does not mean you are required to purchase every item on the wish list. This program is meant to serve as a token of appreciation from the community. The gift card is meant to assist with the holiday meal, but not provide everything for the meal.
You don’t have to do it alone
It can seem like a lot to provide for an entire family, however you don’t have to do it as an individual. Adopting a family is a great way to engage employees at your business, a great activity for a church, civic group, or organization – or just something nice to do with a group of friends or family members.
Requirements for adoption
You must be registered as a Team Angel in order to adopt a family. We require registration so that we can verify your information for the safety and security of our military families. Once registered, you will be given access to the Angel database, where you can log in to your account and get assigned to a military/veteran family in need.
If you are interested in adopting 3 or more families, you can register as a business. Learn more about that here:
What if I want to help but can’t adopt a family?
If you are not able to adopt an entire family but want to help, consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign. We set one up each year to collect money that will help support families who are not adopted.