Angel Blog

Support Military and Veteran Families This Holiday Season

Soldiers' Angels Holiday Adopt-A-Family Program matches Military and Veteran families with volunteers who help make their season brighter!

Military and Veteran families need our support this holiday season!

The holiday season should be a time of joy, but for many Military and Veteran families, it can bring added stress. That’s why the Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-A-Family program is so important. This program connects families in need with generous volunteers who provide holiday gifts for the children and a grocery gift card, helping to ensure that Military and Veteran families can celebrate the holidays without financial worry.

Why the Adopt-A-Family Program Matters

For many Military and Veteran families, the holidays can be a difficult time. Deployment, transitioning from military to civilian life, and financial challenges can make it tough for these families to enjoy the holiday season. This is where the Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-A-Family program steps in to provide critical support.

The program allows volunteers to “adopt” a Military or Veteran family, offering holiday gifts for the children and food assistance in the form of a grocery gift card for their holiday meal. The program not only helps relieve financial stress but also shows appreciation for the sacrifices made by Service Members and their families.

How the Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-A-Family Program Works

1. Military and Veteran Family Registration

Registration is now open for Military and Veteran families who need help during the holidays. If you or someone you know is part of a military family facing financial hardship or who will have a deployed member through December 25, 2024, sign up today to receive support.

Excited military and veteran families feel a huge impact from the support of the Soldiers' Angels Adopt-A-Family program.

2. Volunteer Registration

If you’re looking to give back this holiday season, you can register as a Soldiers’ Angels volunteer and adopt a family to support for the holidays! You can register as a volunteer at any time, but eligible families will not be available for adoption until September 30, 2024. Volunteers can adopt a family and provide holiday gifts and a grocery gift card to ensure that Military and Veteran families have a memorable holiday celebration.

A Simple Way to Make a Big Difference

Participating in the Adopt-A-Family program is a meaningful way to support Military and Veteran families. Whether you’re a volunteer or a family in need, this program creates lasting memories and helps spread holiday cheer.

By adopting a family, you are doing more than just buying gifts—you’re letting these families know they are appreciated and cared for. Whether you choose to adopt a small family or a larger one, your participation will make a direct impact on the lives of those who have sacrificed for our country.

Soldiers' Angels volunteers help create many smiles during the holiday season for military and veteran families!

Ready to Get Involved?

  • Military and Veteran Families: Register now to receive holiday support.
  • Volunteers: Register as a Soldiers’ Angels volunteer now so you’re ready to adopt a family when adoption opens on September 30! You can adopt a family and make a direct, positive impact on their holiday season.

This holiday season, join Soldiers’ Angels in supporting Military and Veteran families through the holiday Adopt-A-Family program. Your generosity can make a world of difference to those who have given so much.