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VA Disability Rating reviews: A Necessary Endeavor For Vets

As a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Military families and Veterans, we want to ensure veterans are receiving the benefits they earned and deserve.  Many Veterans have never applied for disability benefits, have never filed a claim for increased disability, or never appealed decisions they disagree with.  Receiving VA disability benefits and income may make all the difference to a Veteran struggling to pay bills or feed their family.  These benefits provide crucial support to Veterans who have sacrificed their health and well-being in service to our nation. One important aspect of maintaining these benefits is ensuring that your VA disability rating accurately reflects your current health status. This is particularly crucial for older veterans, whose health needs may change over time.

The VA disability rating system is designed to compensate Veterans for disabilities incurred or aggravated during their Military service. However, it’s important to recognize that disabilities can evolve over time. Conditions that were once manageable may worsen with age, while new health issues may arise. As a result, the disability rating that a veteran receives when they first apply for benefits may not accurately reflect their current level of impairment.

That’s why it’s essential for Veterans, especially older ones, to regularly review their VA disability rating. By doing so, veterans can ensure that they are receiving the benefits they deserve based on their current health status, and there are many different ways to go about the process.

Get Some Help Reviewing Your VA Disability Claim

Navigating the complexities of VA disability claims can be daunting for many who’ve served. Fortunately, there’s a network of amazing agencies committed to easing this burden. From offering guidance on paperwork to advocating for fair treatment, these invaluable resources play a vital role in ensuring our veterans receive the benefits they rightly deserve. We would never encourage anyone to file their claim on their own. 

Wounded Warrior Project

Wounded Warrior Project is a fantastic charity organization that offers various forms of support to Veterans. One of which is helping Veterans with the VA Benefits Process with their team of accredited National Service Officers.

Click here to go their webpage and learn more.


DAV’s mission is to empower Veterans to lead dignified, high-quality lives. They achieve this by ensuring Veterans and their families have full access to available benefits, advocating for the interests of America’s injured heroes in Congress, and raising public awareness about the significant sacrifices and needs of Veterans transitioning to civilian life.

Whether it’s VA disability rating, finding employment, or just helping in any way possible, DAV is an exceptional organization for our Veterans. Click here to get started with DAV.

Military Order of the Purple Heart

Established in 1932 to protect and promote the interests of all Purple Heart Medal recipients, this organization is uniquely composed solely of Purple Heart awardees. It stands as the only veterans service organization made up exclusively of combat veterans.

If you have received this award, then this is a phenomenal organization to help out. Click here to learn more.


AMVETS (American Veterans) is the nation’s most inclusive Veterans service organization chartered by Congress, advocating for the interests of 20 million veterans. AMVETS welcomes and supports all who have honorably served in the United States Military, including the Reserve and Guard. With over 250,000 members across the country, they are Veterans serving Veterans.

Click here to get started with AMVETS.

State Specific Resources

Some states offer state-specific resources such as:

Be sure to search for city and state-specific benefits for Veterans. Many of these resources are often overlooked but can definitely help Veterans where they are residing.

If you don’t feel like you have the time or desire to commit to using an advocacy agency and wish to use a professional company to file your claim and handle all of the paperwork and documentation, we suggest you look for a VA accredited company.   They will handle everything from start to finish, you just show up for the appointments scheduled for you!

We recommend Veterans Help Group, because of our experience working with them and our first-hand knowledge of increased ratings.  They receive a portion of what you get retroactively, and you pay nothing up front.  The VA pays them directly from your retroactive award.

As we reflect on the invaluable contributions of these entities, let’s remember that supporting our Veterans is a collective responsibility that requires ongoing dedication and unwavering gratitude. Reviewing your VA benefits is not just a matter of paperwork; it’s an act of empowerment and self-advocacy for our Veterans. These benefits are not static but evolve, reflecting changes in policies, personal circumstances, and medical conditions. By staying informed and proactive, Veterans can ensure they’re accessing the full spectrum of support available to them, from healthcare to financial assistance and beyond.