Soldiers’ Angels Mobile Food Distribution to Fight Veteran Hunger
July 21, 2016

Did you know that many of our veterans – men and women who have served this country – go hungry? According to stats by Feeding America, whose organization serves more than 46 million people annually, 20% of the households Feeding America serves have a member who is a veteran or has served in the U.S. military.
Hunger is a serious problem facing our nation’s veterans and Soldiers’ Angels has found a way to make a small dent. Since the inception of the Veteran Mobile Food Distribution service in September of 2015, we have served over 1800 veteran families at our headquarters in San Antonio, Texas. After months of building the program in the San Antonio area, we are expanding the service to other major cities across the country (San Diego, California and Denver, Colorado with future plans to host events in Charleston, South Carolina and Detroit, Michigan)! Partnering with local food banks, the goal of this service is to provide food relief to low income veterans and their families on a monthly basis.
“Soldiers’ Angels is proud to be able to provide food relief to our veterans and their families. No veteran who served their country proudly should ever have to worry about going hungry or finding their next meal for their spouse and children. As citizens of this great country it is the least we can do to give back to those who have given so much for our freedom.”
– Amy Palmer, President and CEO of Soldiers’ Angels
Our mobile food distribution provide 50 pounds of food assistance to 200 low income and at-risk veterans and their families. Although we cannot guarantee what type of food is provided, it usually contains fresh produce and meats in addition to non-perishables.
In addition to partnering with local food banks, we also partner with companies who sponsor the event and, in most cases, provide volunteers. The events are set-up to be drive-through. Veterans show up in their cars and line up; they then pull through the line and volunteers will load their car with food. Special accommodations can be made for those that do not have cars and wish to walk-through the line.
September marks the one year anniversary of the mobile food distribution in San Antonio. The event on Sept 16th will be a big one! In addition to the normal amount of food provided from the San Antonio Food Bank, we will have additional pallets of food to distribute, Mary Kay goodies for the ladies, and much more. Lots of great things are in the works for our one year anniversary. Stay tuned for more information on this great event.
How to sign-up to receive food
Veterans looking to receive food from one of our mobile food distributions must sign up for the event ahead of time. Once registered, they will be provided a time slot when they should show up. They must present either a DD214 or a VA ID at the event.
For locations that have monthly events, veterans must sign up each month. The sign-up form is typically available about two weeks before the event and the link will be located on our event calendar.
Soldiers’ Angels Event Calendar
How to get involved
We’re always looking for sponsors, food donors and volunteers. If you’re interested in donating, sponsoring, or volunteering, contact the main office at 210-629-0020.