Send Our Troops and Veterans Valentines this Valentine’s Day
January 19, 2017

Every year we receive thousands of Valentine’s Day cards addressed to service members and veterans. Sadly, since the cost to distribute these cards is so high, we are not able to provide enough funding to get the cards to our military and veteran heroes so they can feel the love.
But this year you can help us spread the love!
If you’ve got a box of Valentines you were hoping to send or were planning on making some homemade cards, we can take them!
All you need to do is include $1 per Valentine you send. This will help us cover the cost of packing & mailing boxes of Valentine’s Day cards to deployed troops overseas and to VA Hospitals! Email [email protected] for details.
Mail your cards & $1 per card to:
Soldiers’ Angels 2700 NE Loop 410, Suite 310, San Antonio, Texas 78217
Signing and addressing (and even making) Valentines for our military heroes is a great activity to do with your organization or family. Our military and veterans love getting mail. Imagine their surprise when they receive a heartfelt Valentine from a stranger who wants them to know they appreciate their service.
We love finding new and unique ways to show appreciation for our veterans and troops. What better way to use the Valentine’s Day holiday to spread love and kindness to those who have served this country and are stuck in a hospital bed or deployed overseas?