Got Candy?
October 30, 2017

The time has finally arrived! That magical time of year when every candy you can imagine is shrunk down to a mini size and available by the bag full. If you’re like most people, you will either be flooded by excess Halloween candy that didn’t get handed out to Trick or Treaters or flooded by Halloween candy collected by Trick or Treaters. It can be overwhelming (and overly-tempting) to be surrounded by all of that sugar… Instead of letting all of that unwanted candy clutter up your cabinets and raise the energy level of your little ones, gather it up and donate it to the Soldiers’ Angels Treats for Troops program!
Soldiers’ Angels Treats for Troops is an annual initiative to collect excess Halloween candy from around the country and share the sweet treats with our deployed service members and veterans in VA Hospitals. Over the past several weeks, locations across the country have been registering to be official Soldiers’ Angels Treats for Troops candy collection locations. Traditionally, drop-off sites have been mainly dentist or orthodontist offices– for obvious reasons! But this year, we have a huge range of businesses supporting the candy collection: from a chain of Goodwill stores in Minnesota, to the entire town of Vail, Colorado, and even a Broadway Show — Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
How do I find a drop-off location?
Participating in this program is simple:
1. Visit
2. In the first grey box, enter your zip code and hit “Submit”
3. If there is a location near you, it will pop up with an address and collection dates/times.
4. If not, click on the “Contact Us” link or email [email protected]. We will provide you with an address where you can ship your candy!
5. Don’t forget your donation receipt – fill out this form.
Where does my candy donation go?
All of our candy collection sites were provided with the address of a Soldiers’ Angels representative to ship their collected candy. Once our representatives receive that candy, it will be packed into care packages and shipped overseas to deployed service members around the world. Stateside, the candy will also be handed out in-person by our Angel volunteers to veterans in VA Hospitals across the country. The sweet treat is just a small gesture of our gratitude for the services and sacrifices of our service members and veterans!
Last year, we collected over 12,000 pounds of Halloween candy! This year, we are looking to increase that number and collect 17,000 pounds!! Can you help us reach that goal?